(1941 – 1999)
Chuyev Felix Ivanovich (1941-1999). Soviet poet, writer, publicist. Born in the town of Svobodny in the Amur region in the pilot’s family. In 1964 he graduated from the Moscow Power Engineering Institute. Published since 1956. Author of collections of poems (“Red Ases”, etc.), many of which are devoted to aviation. Member of the Writers’ Union.
The main theme of Chuyev is the fate of the post-war generation. In his poems, “the poetical understanding of patriotism and nationality” is often reflected. “In Chuyev’s diary,” One Hundred Forty Conversations with Molotov, “1 (M., 1991) and Molotov (M., 1999) (Chuyev for 17 years met with Stalin’s closest comrade-in-arms), a prominent place was given to Molotov’s statements about Stalin. Here are some of them:
“Stalin had a taste for military affairs… Stalin had a great flair for engineering, he never studied technology, he did not study at all, at least, I never saw any technical books, but he understood the messages, and what I received from the designers and plants, carefully read, compared, immediately found weaknesses and a way out of the situation…
Diplomacy was not bad, but Stalin played the decisive role, and not any diplomat.. .
“Stalin believed that Stalin was thinking…” As if someone knew exactly what Stalin was thinking about during no! People want as much as possible favorable conditions were difficult moments for…
We knew that the war is not far off, that we are weaker than Germany, that we will have to retreat. The whole question was, how do we have to retreat – to Smolensk or to Moscow, before the war we discussed… We did everything to postpone the war, and that we succeeded – for a year and ten months. I would like, of course, more…
Stalin regretted that he had agreed to the Generalissimo. He always regretted… Stalin is the only one, keep in mind, but there are many generals. Then he cursed: “How did I agree?” The leader of the whole party, of the whole people and of the international communist movement, and only the Generalissimo. This is belittling, not raising! He was much higher than that! The Generalissimo is a specialist in the military field. And he is in the military, in the party, and in the international. Twice tried to appropriate him. The first attempt, he repulsed, and then agreed and regretted it…
Stalin is a very complex figure… He has great abilities, which require an understanding of the era, the situation… The main thing in him is a politician. He played such a role in the country’s politics, in history. Now this is obscured. There are many chandrages…
… Stalin said that he does not fit the status of Hero of the Soviet Union. The hero is appropriated for personally showing courage. “I did not show such courage,” Stalin said. And did not take the Star. He was only painted in portraits with this Star. When he died. The Gold Star of the Hero of the Soviet Union was issued by the Head of the Award Department. She was pinned on a pillow and carried at a funeral. ”
The mechanics of the Great Terror reveal themselves in Molotov’s statements:” I signed to Beria what I was sent by Stalin for his signature. I also put a signature – and where the Central Committee could not figure it out, and where, of course, there were also some honest, good, loyal people… Actually, of course, the matter was based on trust in the authorities… Otherwise, you can not check all ” (Chuev F. Hundred Forty Conversations with Molotov, M., 1991. S. 440).
According to Molotov, mass repression – “preventive cleaning” without certain boundaries. The main thing in it is not to miss the enemies, the number of innocent victims is a secondary issue. Molotov says: “Stalin, in my opinion, led a very correct line: let the extra head fly off, but there will be no hesitation during the war and after the war” (ibid., P. 416).
Molotov clarified the true motives for Stalin’s repression in the following phrase: “Of course, the demands came from Stalin, of course, they went too far, but I believe that all this is permissible for the sake of the main thing: just to retain power” (ibid., P. 402). Chuev F. Molotov, M., 1999. S. 475).
In 1998, Chuyev’s book “Soldiers of the Empire” was published in Moscow, which includes new materials characterizing the Stalin era.
His own attitude to Stalin’s personality Chuyev expressed two poetic lines from his cycle of poems about Stalin:
Return Stalin to the podium,
We, the youth, need an ideal.
1) A. Adamovich writes: “Recently a book has been published that could well bear the title:” One hundred and forty interviews with a man-eater. “These are F. Chuev’s conversations with V. Molotov. Here are quotes from the book:” We signed together. The lists were given to us… All the members of the Politburo are sitting… Mostly Stalin signed – on the party line, and I-according to the Soviet, such documents, after which many, of course, had a hard time. “
“I myself personally marked out the areas where the kulaks were evicted… 400,000 kulaks were evicted, my commission was working…” “Why did the repressions spread to wives and children?” “What do you mean, why? They should be isolated to some extent.” so, of course, they would be the distributors of complaints of every kind… And the decomposition to a certain extent: in fact, yes, “(quoted from Salisbury G., 900 days, M., 1993, p. 9)
.Brief biography from the book: Torchinov VA, Leontyuk AM Around Stalin: Historical and Biographical Handbook, St. Petersburg, 2000
Biography Chuyev Felix Ivanovich