Biography Christmas Vsevolod Alexandrovich

(1895 – 1977)

Christmas Vsevolod Alexandrovich (1895 – 1977), a poet.
Born March 29 (April 10, 2007) in Tsarskoe Selo, he received a good home education. After graduating from high school, enrolled at the Faculty of History and Philology of St. Petersburg University. The First World War prevented further education – from the third year was mobilized in the army. The first verses of Rozhdestvensky were published in the journal “The Apprentice” in 1910; The first collection of poems “Gymnasium Years” was published in 1914. The
October Revolution was adopted. Attracted by A. Blok to the publishing house “World Literature”, he was engaged in translations of classics of world poetry.
In 1921 collections of Christmas poems “Summer” and “Golden Spindle”, marked by the influence of acmeism, appear.
In the following years he publishes collections of poems “The Great Bear” (1926), “Granite Garden” (1929), “Earth Heart” (1933), “Window to the Garden” (1939), etc.
During the Patriotic War, Rozhdestvensky as a war correspondent is located on the Volkhov and Karelian fronts. The collections of his poems The Voice of the Motherland (1943) and Ladoga (1945) are published.
Postwar lyrics are devoted to the revival of Leningrad, its past, its builders-contemporaries, the beauty of the northern nature.
In 1962 he published a book of memoirs “Pages of Life”. Rozhdestvensky was the author of operatic librettos: “Decembrists” (music by Yuri Shaporin), “Bespridnitsa” (music by D. Frenkel), “Dawn over the Dvina” (music by Yu Meytus), etc.,
In recent years he worked on a book about A. Pushkin. The poet died in 1977 in Leningrad.
A short biography from the book: Russian writers and poets. A short biographical dictionary. Moscow, 2000.

Biography Christmas Vsevolod Alexandrovich