Biography Bogomolov Vladimir Osipovich

(1926 – 2003)

Vladimir Osipovich Bogomolov was born in 1926 in the village of Kirillovka in the Moscow province. In 1941 he graduated from seven classes of secondary school. Member of the Patriotic War. In the active army was consistently ordinary, commander of the department, pomkvzvod, commander of the platoon – rifle, submachine gunners, foot reconnaissance – at the end of the war he served as company commander. He was awarded orders and medals. The author of the novel “The Moment of Truth” (“In August forty-fourth…”), the novels “Ivan”, “Zosia”, “In Krieger” and short stories translated into dozens of languages. Roman V. Bogomolov in the use of the Russian language, several new concepts were introduced and, first of all, the expression “moment of truth” – “the moment of obtaining information conducive to the establishment of truth.” Books by V. Bogomolov are included in the curriculum for reading secondary schools, gymnasiums and lyceums of a number of countries, and, first and foremost, Russia and Belarus. Based on the story “Ivan” by filmmaker Andrei Tarkovsky, a famous film “Ivan’s Childhood” (1962) was awarded, awarded the highest prize of the Venice Film Festival “Golden Lion”. The novel “The Moment of Truth” (“In August, forty-fourth…”) and the story “Ivan” survived more than a hundred publications and, according to bibliographers, are leading in the number of reprints among many thousands of other contemporary literary works published respectively in the last 25 and 40 years. Died December 30, 2003, buried at the Vagankovskoye cemetery. Based on the story “Ivan” by filmmaker Andrei Tarkovsky, a famous film “Ivan’s Childhood” (1962) was awarded, awarded the highest prize of the Venice Film Festival “Golden Lion”. The novel “The Moment of Truth” (“In August, forty-fourth…”) and the story “Ivan” survived more than a hundred publications and, according to bibliographers, are leading in the number of reprints among many thousands of other contemporary literary works published respectively in the last 25 and 40 years. Died December 30, 2003, buried at the Vagankovskoye cemetery. Based on the story “Ivan” by filmmaker Andrei Tarkovsky, a famous film “Ivan’s Childhood” (1962) was awarded, awarded the highest prize of the Venice Film Festival “Golden Lion”. The novel “The Moment of Truth” (“In August, forty-fourth…”) and the story “Ivan” survived more than a hundred publications and, according to bibliographers, are leading in the number of reprints among many thousands of other contemporary literary works published respectively in the last 25 and 40 years. Died December 30, 2003, buried at the Vagankovskoye cemetery.

Biography Bogomolov Vladimir Osipovich