Our favorite park is surrounded on all sides by water. He is on an island that formed a river flowing through the city and man-made channel. To get to that island, you need to cross a small cozy bridge. And you find yourself in an amazing park, or rather, a hydropark. There is a steppe nook here. After any rainfall you will not see a single puddle: the sandy soil quickly absorbs moisture. Herbs here are tough, they are no longer green, as in the spring or early summer, they are brown or ash gray. Such them made the autumn bad weather. Yellow flowers that stood out on the green grass, autumn turned into white lumps. But the willows, framing this corner, lavishly decorated their fallen yellow leaves with coastal waters and the shore itself.
If you walk along the coast along the island, you will soon fall into another corner of nature. This starts the leafy planting. Poplars are still green, but the leaves are already lifeless. The first night frosts did their worst. But the maples are more like gold balls. Gold beneath them and on them even on a cloudy day dazzles. But there are maples with scarlet leaves. This is also a sign of autumn.
It is worth going a little further, as the zone of eternal greenery begins, which is beyond any autumnal whims. This spruce is a favorite place for squirrels and forties. Below, under the coniferous trees, on the ground, is a thick brown litter of fallen pine needles. Even in winter, if there is no snow, some plants grow proudly through it, which are not afraid of winter. But now the fir tree is coming to an end. And further – birch; the light from the trunks flows, the whiteness of the trunks is particularly clearly visible in gloomy, cloudy days. Lemon leaves fly and fly in a sad rain. The air smells like dried leaves and mushroom prelju.
Large carved leaves of oaks appear lacquered. Between them there are acorns, but for some reason without hats, and the hats themselves are scattered a little apart. With oaks in our park are chestnuts. We noticed that the elderly gather chestnuts. We asked: what are they doing with them? We were told: feed goats. And the owners of goats stuff bags of fallen leaves. This is also a sign of autumn. Goats eat leaves with great appetite.
However, we do not complain about the appetite. On the stump, covered with tablecloth, yellow maple leaves, we lay out simple snacks. There is nothing more pleasant than breakfast in the autumn park.