Ancient civilization

There are high cultures that have accumulated many interesting discoveries, created masterpieces of literature and art, but at the same time they did not aspire to transfer their achievements to neighboring peoples. Such peaks of civilizations as ancient China.

India or the Persian kingdom. surrounded by a sea of ​​savage, barbaric tribes, lived for themselves. They fought or traded with neighbors, but never shared with them. Their refined culture did not spur on others’ development, which made its own pace slow. The vessel remained clean, but the water in it stopped.

The focus of ancient cultures that originated in the Mediterranean. was fundamentally different. He appeared at the intersection of trade routes, in the crucible of mixing peoples, in a mobile world where the sea and the earth were constantly on the move because of volcanic activity, the coast line and the height of the mountains changed many times.

The word “antique” means only “ancient”, but in the strict sense of the word only ancient Greece (Hellas) and ancient Rome are called. Each of them, during the epochs of its power, influenced a wide range of peoples who lived side by side or were subdued as a result of wars. These tribes partly voluntarily, partly by force adopted the mores of the Greeks first, then the Romans – Hellenized and latinized.

The circle of Hellenistic states that have arisen as a result of the campaigns of Alexander the Great is incredibly wide. And here there was an imposition of the advanced achievements of Greek science, town planning, military affairs on local traditions, which gave the second flourishing to the old Eastern civilizations.

It was different with Rome. He was never conquered by the Greeks or the soldiers of Tsar Alexander. On the contrary, it is precisely the ancient Rome who eventually swallowed Hellas and. degenerated from the inside. “Greece captured captive took the winner.” There was no overlapping of cultures, but a complete restructuring of the Latin civilization.

The main thing is that Roman imitators learned from the Greek culture, there was no painting of vases, not the form of houses, not even theater and literature. The main thing was the ability to transmit – broadcast – his culture to hundreds of peoples with whom Rome interacted. To this age-old Hellenic skill, the Romans added their own: the ability to draw on the achievements of other cultures, improve them and use them as their own. The world, captured and equipped by the Romans to their liking, was constantly expanding. Not surprisingly, the most convenient form of such a transfer of culture was the empire.

When the western part of the Roman Empire fell under the blow of the barbarians, its eastern part with the capital Constantinople continued to transfer the accumulated achievements to the vast barbarian region from the Balkans to the Caucasus. This eastern part – Byzantium was inhabited mostly by the Greeks, who adopted Latin national values ​​and became Christians.

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