Analytical and synthetic processing of documents

The following are the main types of analytical and synthetic processing of scientific documents and information carried out in the field of scientific and information activities: bibliographic description; indexing; annotation and abstracting; transfer; compilation of literature reviews.

A bibliographic description is the process and result of compiling a list of information about a document that identifies this document and allows it to be found among many others according to certain rules.

The next method of analytical and synthetic document processing is Indexing – the process of expressing the central theme or subject matter of a document in terms of the information-search language used. The description of the main content of a document in the information retrieval language is called its Search Engine. The indexes of one of the classifications, subject headings or keywords (descriptors) serve as search images of documents.

Annotation is the process of processing a scientific document (in most cases, the primary one), which allows you to obtain concise information about the content of the revised document, its design and origin.

Annotations for content and purpose are subdivided into reference, revealing the subject matter of the document and reporting any information about it, but not giving it a critical evaluation, and recommendatory ones, containing the evaluation of the document in terms of suitability for a certain category of consumers.

One of the types of large volume annotations is the instruction for the medicinal product, which has the following sections:

1. Name of the drug (in Russian and Latin).

3. Indications for use

4. Pharmacological properties.

5. Method of administration and dose.

6. Side effects.

7. Form of release, method of storage, price.

Referencing is the process of processing a scientific document (in most cases, the primary one), which results in a concise but relatively detailed factual information.

An abstract is a summary of the contents of the primary document (or part of it) with the main actual information and conclusions. The abstract should include as much information as possible in the primary document. The average volume of the text of the essay in printed characters: 500 for notes and short messages, 1000 for most articles, patents, 2500 – for documents of large volume

A synthesis is called a synthesized text, in which a summary description of a specific question is given. It uses information extracted from some set of primary documents selected for this purpose. There are three main types of reviews: bibliographic, abstract and analytical.



