Where does this state come from, making us happy, giving strength, unrestrained creativity and beautiful action?
They say that inspiration is a shy bird. Why fearful? How to draw inspiration? Is there such a recipe?
Someone understands inspiration as some kind of sentimental trick of people who justify their inaction. Someone says that inspiration can be permanent. Between these two perceptions are a variety of options. But at the same time we notice a lot in common in different people in this state: the eyes shine, the matter is settled, the soul sings, and the heart glows with fire, and all this requires an immediate exit!
But is it possible to subject such a sublime concept to a cold analysis? We will not analyze. Try to feel the heart.
INSPIRATION – as if someone had breathed something into us or we breathed in, like the smell of roses, or breaking out of a stuffy city into the mountains, we breathe in the fragrance, freshness – prana. And something subtle, remotely resembling inspiration, we feel inside. Does this mean that inspiration does come from outside, although we feel it within ourselves? As the food of our soul, heart, spirit. This state exalts us above the earthly and ordinary. Perhaps his abode is not on earth, but somewhere in the world invisible? The higher the inspiration, the more likely it comes from the higher sphere?
It seems that touching the heart of some mystery, which is about to open…
Inspiration comes to us in a state of love. The female image inspires poets, writers, actors, artists, love for the Motherland inspires feats. Indeed – true love brings inspiration.
But, maybe, not love itself brings us inspiration, but to take inspiration opens our heart, enlightens us, makes it purer? Why are we inspired in love?
Maybe because Love is God and God is Love. All the highest concepts of humanity connects with Love and God. The Abode of the Divine is the Supreme World, the Fiery World. Everything in the world is attracted by consonance. If love is divine, then inspiration comes from the world of the Highest. The more selfless and higher the love – the higher the inspiration. From the World of Fire proceeds the phenomenon of all inspiration. From the Upper World flows a constant stream, but whether we accept it – depends on us.
Not only love can attract inspiration. Calling him and works of high art, nature, the appearance of heroes and devotees, their fire burning fire in our hearts. Then a connection is established with the Supreme, and inspiration descends.
We see on many examples and know for ourselves how easy it is to frighten off this winged guest. Gray routine. anxiety, discouragement, irritation, discontent, selfishness and many other things block access to the stream from the Overground World, like dense window curtains to sunlight. But we have the will. With its help, you can pull the curtains so that the Supreme Light freely penetrates into our hearts.
Love is true selfless. Inspiration is impossible without selflessness. Let us recall how much poetry was written during the Great Patriotic War and, in particular, during the blockade. Terrible time. Hunger, death, trials on the verge of human strength. And – the flow of poetry. But you can not write poetry without a spark of inspiration! Selflessness in the name of saving the Motherland, their loved ones, their future opened the possibility of touching the source of inspiration – the Higher World.
Inspiration is a property of the free spirit. The Divine stream can not penetrate into the heart of a person imprisoned in the shackles of circumstances, accidents, moods.
Why are we looking for inspiration? To create for people. If we create for ourselves, for glory and self-satisfaction, then what we do, loses vitality, dies, and therefore can not light the fire in other hearts. As in Gogol’s story “Portrait”.
It may seem that inspiration is necessary only to people of art, well, science. Because discoveries also need inspiration. But this is a delusion. All life can and should be inspired. Only then can one approach the Covenant of Christ: “Be as your Father in heaven.”
Inspiration is given from above for manifestation in the earthly world, but Fire can only work in Beauty. Therefore, high creativity is impossible without self-improvement.
INSPIRATION. So I want to understand, to attract and retain. Hold for the joy of creativity. A person comes to this world for joy and for the creativity of life. Creativity and inspiration are inextricably linked. And everyone can be an inspired creator of his life.
About inspiration