About envy

Of all the abominations, first of all, one must drive from oneself envy. It penetrates into you imperceptibly and very quickly eats from within.

The hardest thing for an envious person is that no one envies him.

Of all that exists today, mediocrity alone knows no envy.

If you do not want to suffer, do not be envious.

Envy is the discomfort (displeasure) of the soul, resulting from the fact that another person desires us well, whom we do not consider more worthy to own it.

It’s not worth anyone who does not envy.

Better be the object of envy than compassion.

They envy only those whom they do not hope to match.

Envy of people shows how much they feel unhappy; their constant attention to someone else’s behavior – how much they are bored.

Do not eat the food of a man who is jealous, and do not be tempted by his delicious food.

A mild heart is life for the body, and envy is the rot for the bones.

Envy for the mind – that pain for the eye. Mind can kill envy.

Better be the object of envy than compassion.

Sympathy is easy enough, you need to earn money.

Everyone pities the weak, you need to earn money.

Envy is the mother of anger and hatred.

Envy is such a special sense of justice. There are two types: mercenary and disinterested. Mercenary – “I want, and at me it was!”, Disinterested – “I Want, that at it or this it was not!”.

There is no feeling more useful than envy. It strengthens the belief in oneself and helps to be more tolerant towards the successes of these small unworthy people.

In envy, among other things, lies the love of justice.

Hide your happiness, avoiding envy, but do not excite pity.



