A work on the theme of Radupp

The enchanting tranquility of the flowering meadow was suddenly disturbed as if from nowhere by the pouring rain that washed every blade of grass and every flower bud. A picturesque composition about the rainbow in bright colors describes this amazing natural phenomenon, which adorned a wide spreading native expanses.

The summer morning grew in abundant dew over the spreading meadow and covered it with a blue mist of viscous fog. Milky-pink sky brightened and filled with fluffy shreds of snow-white clouds.

The midday heat quickly replaced the freshness of the morning and hung between the sky and the earth ringing silence, which was sometimes interrupted by a short flight of a bumblebee or the trill of a lonely lamb falling from the sky and fading in the emerald wave of swaying grass.

It seemed that nothing could disturb the idyll, when suddenly something rustled in the middle of the clear sky, grumbled and gasped with a thunder of thunder. Within a few seconds, the air pellets of the clouds turned into one big, shaggy cloud with wind-blown cheeks and a huge blob spreading across the sky. The first, heavy raindrops rattled loudly over the elastic stems of the grass and the closed, flower buds.

The broken wind, rushing about, rushed through the meadow, laughing and whistling. A short summer rain ended as unexpectedly as it had begun. The burning sunlight cut through the fallen cheeks of the rain cloud, and half of the sun squeezed into the gap that formed. The air, filled with ozone, intertwined with a golden glow, turned into a seven-colored rainbow. hanging over a washed meadow painted with a yoke.

From the center of the picturesque meadow the rainbow scored a fountain of enchanting fragrances and wondrous forms of wildflowers. As if filled with unusually bright colors, she lifted this outlandish palette along the curve of her elegant mill into the very heavens. And then, holding its breath, with a shining waterfall, it tried to dissolve in the quiet flow of the majestic river, to decorate it with gentle overflows of iridescent tones.

The invisible lark, that is urine, sang the delightful beauty of the nature of the native land with its ringing, life-affirming aria. Butterflies and dragonflies, enthusiastically folding their wings, froze from the surging bliss on the velvet petals of a meadow clover.

The dimming rainbow dissolved very slowly in the lilac sunset, decorating it with a picturesque haze of the most incredible tones. And over the meadow for a long time there was a miracle of contact with magic.

A work on the theme of Radupp