Races and peoples of Africa

The main part of the inhabitants of the mainland is the indigenous population, belonging to the three races – Caucasoid, Negroid and Mongoloid.

Representatives of the Caucasoid race live mainly in the north of Africa. These are samples and Berbers, who in ancient times moved here from Asia. They are characterized by dark skin, dark hair and eyes, an elongated skull, a narrow nose and an oval face. Their languages ​​are Arabic and Berber. The European race also includes the Boers – descendants of immigrants from Holland, who live in the extreme south of the continent. Their Afrikaans language is a modified Dutch.

Representatives of the Negroid race live in the south of the Sahara. They differ significantly in appearance. Thus, the inhabitants of the savannas of the Northern Hemisphere are very tall, and the peoples of the equatorial forests – pygmies – are small. Hottentots and Bushmen, living in the semi-deserts and deserts of South Africa, have a flat face that gives them a resemblance to the Mongoloids. Negro peoples speak many languages, the most common of them is a group of Bantu languages.

Ethiopians live in the Ethiopian Highlands, which simultaneously show signs of two races – Caucasoid and Negroid. The color of their skin is copper with a reddish tinge. The facial features are more similar to the European. Ethiopians speak Amharic, which completely supplanted the ancient Ethiopian syllabic letter.

The inhabitants of Madagascar – mahagasischy – came from Asia. Their external signs indicate that they belong to the Mongoloid race. They communicate in the Malagasy language.

The African peoples created a kind of culture that exerted and has a rather great influence on the development of world culture in general and on the development of the culture of individual states where the percentage of ethnic Africans is significant. Thus, the ancient Egyptian culture significantly influenced the development of the culture of the Mediterranean and the Middle East. The Egyptian pyramids still impress with their majesty and are considered one of the Seven Wonders of the World. The rhythms of African music became the basis of the new musical culture of North and Napshei America and spread throughout the world.

After the liberation of the peoples of Africa from colonial slavery, their culture further affects the development of world culture. In turn, the cultures of other peoples affect the African.



