Inner waters of Eurasia

1. Why are large areas covered in Eurasia with modern glaciers?

The northern islands and peninsulas of Eurasia, as well as the belt of high mountains in the south are covered with snow and ice, which do not melt throughout the year. This is due to the conditions that are necessary for the formation and preservation of modern glaciation, the most important of which are low temperatures and humidity.

In the north of Eurasia, such conditions are associated with high latitudes, in which the islands and peninsulas are located, and in the mountains – with altitude. Above a certain line at a height conditions are created for the formation of snow and ice, which remain in the summer. It is a snow line, its height varies in different mountains depending on their geographical location.

2. Compare the rivers Lena and the Yellow River on the regime and type of food. How can we explain the difference between them?

Both rivers cause floods during floods and flood considerable areas of land. The flood of Lena is associated with the melting of snow in late spring, and the flooding of Yellow River – with intense rain. Fleeing from floods, people build dams, strengthen river banks. But, in spite of this, the rivers turn out to be stronger and, spilling over, bring severe damage to the economy and are the cause of the death of people.

The difference between Lena and the Yellow River in the regime and type of feeding is due to their geographical location and direction of the current. From the geographical position, the features of the climate of the territory, along which the rivers flow, and, consequently, the timing of their flooding and shallowing, types of feeding, depend.



