Why a person is defined as the highest value of a democratic society

Of all that exists in the world, the most valuable and important for a person is the person himself. Even the ancient Greeks with the mouth of the philosopher Protagoras said: “Man is the measure of everything.” Only man is endowed with developed abilities to comprehend and transform the surrounding world on the basis of Mind, Goodness and Beauty. Every person who existed, exists and will exist in the world, is unique, and therefore valuable because he is a Man.

The understanding of man and human life was different for different peoples at different times. In ancient times man was considered the highest value of society, built on the foundations of democracy. It was such a social system, when the issues of public life were decided by citizens’ assemblies, arose in the small city-states of Ancient Greece over two and a half thousand years ago. He was significantly different from all the ways of running the society, known earlier, when power belonged to one person or a little – the best and noble.

Thus, democracy is one of the oldest forms in the history of the organization of public life and its management, which can exist only under the condition of the participation of the entire people, every citizen in the management of the state and the solution of public problems. An important property of a citizen is Citizenship: he knows and uses his rights and faithfully fulfills his obligations towards the state and society. The citizen participates in making the most important decisions concerning the life of society. The guarantee of a full-fledged existence of a democratic society is the civic activity of the people who are part of it-free citizens who respect themselves and others, are eager to help their state.

All citizens of a democratic state are equal and equal. This means that the vote given by a citizen during elections or voting for a decision that he considers true, or for a person who, in his opinion, is the most worthy, has the same weight as the voice of any other citizen of the state. Democracy can not and should not neglect the person for the sake of the interests of the whole state. No one can replace a single citizen in his public activity. As the Russian writer Andrei Platonov noted, “without me the people are incomplete.”

Citizen – 1. A person who belongs to the permanent population of the state, enjoys his rights and fulfills obligations. 2. The one who subordinates personal interests to the public, serves the homeland.

Citizenship – the citizen’s awareness of his rights and obligations towards the state, society.

Democracy is such a way of social system, when the main role in making decisions belongs to the people.



