The author and his heroes in the novel “Eugene Onegin”

VG Belinsky wrote about Pushkin’s Eugene Onegin: “… you can point too much at a few creations in which the personality of the poet would be reflected with such fullness, light and clear, as reflected in” Onegin “the personality of Pushkin.” Belinsky stresses, in this way, that the poem’s soul embodied the soul of the poet.
Indeed, in the work, along with the main character Eugene Onegin, lives and acts the image of the author. This is a full-fledged hero, because throughout the poem this image is revealed and developed in lyrical digressions, as well as in the plot itself. We learn about the past of this character, his thoughts on everything that is happening around him, and finally his attitude towards Eugene Onegin.
It is with the protagonist of the poem that most of the author’s judgments and assessments are associated. Speaking about the superficial upbringing and education of Onegin, the author ironically concludes:
We all learned little by little
something and somehow,
So upbringing, thank God,
we have no reason to flash.
Thus, he emphasizes his unity with the hero, who also left the aristocratic environment and received a typical education for that circle and that time.
In the capital Onegin leads an idle way of life, burns days at balls, dinners, even the theater for him – a place for intrigues and red tape. It’s not like the theater for the author. Pushkin writes that this is a “magic land,” a place for inspiration, creativity, and art. This is how the differences between Onegin and the poet are outlined, which emphasizes the shortcomings of the hero. We understand that Onegin is emotionally cold, rational, unreceptive to art, deaf to everything beautiful. But what made him that way, nature or way of life, environment?
Throughout the novel, the author compares, compares himself with Onegin. For this he finds different artistic techniques. One of them is the rapprochement in the hero through common acquaintances. So, in the restaurant Eugene “waiting… Kaverin” – a close friend of Pushkin in his youth. In addition, the author compares Onegin with Chaadaev, whom he knew himself and who devoted several poems.
As the plot develops, more and more the differences between the author and his hero are outlined. So, for Onegin balls are an annoying duty, a necessity. For the author it is the joy of youth, the joy of communication, the joy of hobbies. One of the most serious differences between heroes is the attitude to feelings, in particular, the attitude towards love. We remember that for Onegin this feeling does not exist. Instead, in the life of the hero – a satisfied self-esteem from another victory, from another broken heart. After all, Onegin himself admits to Tatiana that “in love he is disabled.” What is the reason for such a “heart inferiority” of the hero? I think that the hero sought to learn all the pleasures at a very young age, when he was unable to appreciate and realize them. Therefore, when a sensible feeling was to come to him,
It’s quite the same with the author. He is able to experience deep, strong feelings, is able to love, suffer, be disappointed and again believe:
I remember the sea before a thunderstorm:
How I envied the waves,
Running stormy turn
With love lie at her feet!
As I wished then with the waves
Touch my sweet feet with my lips!
But the author and his hero are close in many respects. It seems to me that their nature, inner nature are related. Simply Onegin succumbed to the influence of the environment, the way of life accepted in his circles, while Pushkin developed in all senses of the word. It is because the author considers his hero close to him that he warmly responds about their first meeting. Already then the similarity of the nature of these heroes was manifested. Both Onegin and the author stand out against the general background with a critical mind, high demands, dissatisfaction with their lives. Hence – their pessimism and crisis, which was characteristic of both heroes.
Pushkin stresses that in Onegin the soul has not yet died. Remembering the past, he is resurrected for a while:
Recollecting the previous years, novels,
Recollecting the former love,
Sensitive, careless again,
Breath of the night benevolently
Silently we reveled!
Thus, in the novel between the author and his hero, not only emotional and intellectual connections were made, but also psychological ones.
In the end of the novel Onegin changes dramatically. Now he, renewed and resurrected, thinks Tatiana differently, now the hero can feel, and therefore, truly live. So much closer to the author than at the beginning of the novel. And Pushkin, and we hope for a radical change in the life of the hero, which will happen beyond the scope of the work.
The author and Onegin are the leading male images of the novel. There is a very close connection between these characters. They pass through the whole work in comparison and comparison. This helps not only to uncover the image of Onegin more deeply, but also to fully manifest the soul of the author, express his innermost thoughts to the poet, share his feelings and observations. Together, this constitutes a portrait of the era and allows us to call “Eugene Onegin” an “encyclopedia of Russian life.”



