History of the Kazan kingdom

The apology of the power and greatness of the Moscow kingdom and its head Ivan the Terrible is also characteristic of such a popular monument (more than 230 of its lists have been preserved), like “The History of the Kazan Empire”, or the “Kazan Chronicler”, which describes the fate of the Kazan kingdom since its foundation by the Volga Bulgarians before his conquest of Grozny in 1552.

Containing in itself a large amount of historical material, drawn from, annalistic and other written sources, based also on his own observations and oral stories of eyewitnesses of the event, “History” at the same time is a work of considerable interest from the purely literary point of view. Having borrowed the manner of describing military paintings and even individual episodes mainly from the story of Tsargrad Nestor-Iskander, stories about Mamayev’s massacre, late chronicles, biblical books, partly from the story of the Georgian queen Dinara, and also from the Chronograph, she at the same time reflected solemn stylistics works of the Makariev period and used in a large number techniques and style of oral poetry, legends and legends of the Kazan Tatars.

The emergence of “History” should be attributed to 1564-1565 gg. Its author was, according to his statement, a Russian who was taken prisoner to Kazan, who was in captivity for twenty years and after taking Kazan by Grozny, who came to his service. Standing at the forefront of his time and being a political adherent of noble publicists, the author of “History” is an ardent supporter of Grozny and an enemy of the princely-boyar leaders. He himself in the introduction to “History” calls it “a red, new and sweet story.”

And indeed, “History” is written by a man who was distinguished by his uncommon poetic taste and his love for figurative, artistically decorated speech. Here, for example, how is the crying of the Kazan queen passed on in the “History”, which is forcibly escorted from the city of Sviyazhsk to the Russian border: “Woe to you, woe to you, the city is bloody, woe to you, the city is sad, what else pride to ascend? thy servant’s wife, as a wife of a thin widow, orphaned, thou art a servant, and not a lord: and before thy kingly glory thou hast also passed away, thou art weary of the midst, like a beast, having no head. ” Immediately next to it – the moralization, indirectly directed to the apology of Russian statehood: “Every kingdom reigns kingly wise, and not by walls in pillars, the mighty strong commanders are also the demon of the wall.”

After that, the tsarina of Kazan recalls the former greatness of the Kazan kingdom, especially palpable in its tragic situation at the present time: “Where is now the royal pie and your majesty that once was in you, and where is the Ulanovo, and the princes, and the murzes of your beauty and majesty?” young wives and red virgins, and songs and dances? All of Tyva now vanishes and perishes. ” Once in Kazan flowed honey-colored rivers and wine streams. Now people are shedding blood and tears, falling under Russian rule. The crying ends with such a rhetorical exclamation: “Alas for me, my lord, nowadays I have angered a porn-bird, speaking with the language of men, and sent from me to my father and mother, and announces their chastity.”

Close to the style of the life of Alexei the man of God, the sorrow of Queen Anastasia is transmitted, she spent her husband-tsar on a campaign against Kazan: returning to her chambers, “As a ladieship in her nest, with great tears and sorrow and with much mourning,” she “aki bright star a dark cloud, sorrow, and melancholy, he covered himself in his own floor, in her, and all the windows of pozakra, and the light of the day’s ripening, though not until the king returns victoriously…

With great expression depicts “History” the former violence of the Kazan people over the Russian land. Hence, one must think, the famous time writer of the “Troubles” Avraamy Palitsyn drew his vivid description of the violence and frenzy that were going on, in his words, in Rus at the time of the second impostor.

In the typical, already familiar to us style of the story of the capture of Tsar-grad Nestor-Iskander, the author describes the repeated seizures that accompanied the siege of Kazan: “And from the cannonball and from the pitiful rumbling, and from the many-armed croquet and zvjataniya, and from the sobbing, , wives and children, and from the great screaming, and screaming, and whistling, and the wallpaper of howling neighing and the tramping of the horse, as a great thunder and terrible tooth far distant on the Russian limits, 300 versts, was heard. that the friend with the friend speaks, and the smoky darkness green vozhzhasha “in top and on ryvashe hail and howl all Ruska and nosch, like a clear days: prosveschashesya GRT fire, and things were made invisible TMA night, and the day of the summer Thou dark nosch Autumn byvashe of smoky incense and gloom. “

But as the Kazanians cry, finally making sure that they have lost their independence: “O mountains, cover us!” On the land of the mother, develop your mouth now, soon, devour us, the children of your living, but do not see the hurricane of death out of this, from a single come suddenly on all of us! Run, run, Kazan, but do not> die! ” In response to the suggestion to flee, other Kazan people say: “Prnidosha, we are guests of no small size and pour a bitter mortuary cup to us, sometimes we often scoop it ourselves, from them, now, we ourselves drink the same bitter drinking of mortal nails”. The motif of the “mortal cup” is already familiar to us from the story of the ruin of Ryazan by Batu.

Finally, a very apotheosis is painted in a very picturesque manner, which is arranged for Grozny when he returns to Moscow after the victory over Kazan. The conquest by the Russians of the Kazan kingdom and the consolidation of the final accounts with the once-terrible Tatar power for Rus was, as it were, the final triumph of tsarist Moscow policy. We have already seen above that the folk song of the most wedding of Grozny on the kingdom is associated with the fall of Kazan. And that’s why in such a halo are depicted Grozny and his military enterprise, as well as his eminent associates. Not for nothing, before going to Kazan, conferring with “his golden brother”, with “local princes”, with “great governors” and “noble noblemen”, enumerating the exploits of his ancestors leading their race from Augustus Caesar, Grozny says: “I am By the grace of God, the king and their companion.

Elements of the oral-poetic style in “History” make themselves known in such epithets as the rivers “medvyany”, “earth-mother”, “pure” field, “red” maidens, “good” horses, “high” e.

The echo of oral poetry is heard in such terms as “the race and the tribe,” the enemies are “guests who are not nice,” the riches are “the golden mountain,” “the wine is drinking the wine and the honey is sweet,” and also in depicting the solemn entry of Grozny to Moscow.

Despite the general solemnity of the style of “History”, there is not even a trace of that liturgical word-work in the spirit of the traditional “weaving of words”, which we find in the “Power Book”. The cases of artificial word formation occurring here, such as “man’s perfection”, “slaughter”, “befit”, “mudbing”, “flight”, “brave heart”, “strongrock”, “multi-gift” are relatively rare. But there are expressions, taken from ordinary everyday speech: “in all the heavy calls,” “old and young,” “no use bad words”, etc.

“History of the Kazan kingdom,” thus, almost for the first time after a long break introduces elements of oral poetry and popular speech into book production. Here, perhaps, the decisive was the fact that the “History” came not from official circles, but was a matter of a private initiative of a scribe who was not connected with the established stylistic trafrets of the Moscow book centers.



