Saveliy the Bogatyr Svyatorussky

Saveliy – the hero of the Holy Trinity and Matryona Timofeevna – the embodiment of the author’s dream of the spiritual forces of the people (according to NA Nekrasov’s poem “To Whom to Live Well in Russia”)

In the poem “To Whom in Russia to Live Well” Nekrasov seeks an answer to a question that has long been of concern to mankind. The work presents the happiness of the priest, the landowner, the local people.

But most often Nekrasov reflects on the happiness of the people and dreams that sooner or later the people will get up in spirit and gather with the forces for an active struggle with the existing system for their freedom and a decent life.

The images of the peasants, represented in the poem, confirm the writer’s hopes and meet his aspirations. And one of the main figures of the poem, distinguished by its extraordinary physical strength and spiritual power, is Saveliy, the Russian hero of the day:

The sin is to keep silent about my grandfather,

The lucky man was also… “

That’s what Matryona Timofeevna says about Savely.

About Savely, we learn from the chapter “Peasant woman”, which says that this man grew up in the remote edge of the Kore-river. The very name – the Korezhsky Krai – attracted the writer as a symbol of the hardy working and powerful people of the hero-hero, whose bright representative is Saveliy. The word “korezhit” means “bending”, “breaking”, “working”, and therefore Korezhin is a land of stubborn and hardworking people.

Appearance Savelia personifies the mighty forest element: “With a huge gray mane, tea with twenty years of unshaven, with a huge beard, the grandfather looked like a bear.”

Nekrasov shows the difficult path that led to the growth of rebellious mood Saveliya: from silent patience to open resistance. Prison and Siberian penal servitude did not break Saveliy and did not destroy his self-esteem. “A branded one, but not a slave,” he says of himself. He passed all the trials that fell to his lot, but he was able to save himself. Saveliy disdains the resigned fellow villagers and calls for a mass action for the final crackdown on the oppressors, but his thoughts are not without contradictions. It is no accident that he compares with Svyatogor, the strongest, but also the most immobile hero of the epic epic. At the same time, Saveliy’s image is very contradictory. On the one hand, he called for struggle, on the other – for patience:

We can not find the truth!

Saveliy Matryona Timofeevna advises. In these words despair, despair, unbelief in the possibility of changing the bitter destiny of the peasant are heard. In the image of Matryona Timofeevna Nekrasov embodied the best character traits of Russian peasant women. The moral qualities of Matryona harmoniously blend with its external beauty.

With her restrained and strict beauty, full of self-esteem, Matryona represents the type of the majestic Slav, uncovered by Nekrasov in the poem “Frost, Red Nose”. The history of her life confirms that the character of Matryona was formed in the conditions of a separate fishery, when the greater part of the male population went to the cities. On the shoulders of the woman lay not only the whole burden of peasant labor, but also a huge measure of responsibility for the fate of the family, for the upbringing of children.

From the chapter “Before the marriage” we learn about the youth of Matryona, and from the chapter “Songs” – about the hard fate of the heroine after marriage. Songs of Matryona are national, so her personal destiny reflects the typical destiny of a peasant woman, ceasing to be her own. Short joys were replaced by frequent and severe misfortunes, capable of breaking even a strong person. But Matryona stood up and found in herself spiritual and physical strength to fight for her happiness. Dyomushka’s fervently loved first-born dies, she saves her second son Fedotushka from terrible punishment at the cost of severe trials, and she had to put a lot of effort into her husband’s liberation – and we see that she is not stopped by any obstacles, she is ready to fight for her own happiness until the last.

The image of Matryona Timofeevna was created in such a way that she seemed to have visited all the vicissitudes in which a Russian woman could have visited. Matryona Timofeevna’s voice is the voice of the entire Russian people, of all Russian women, who had the same difficult fate.



