My Portfolio

A portfolio is very important. He should be comfortable, because he has to go to school for a year, and sometimes two. Therefore, to buy a portfolio, I always take it very seriously.

On the eve of this school year, my mother and I went to the store, and for a long time I chose a satchel. One was too big, the other small, the third did not like the shape. And finally I stopped my gaze on one briefcase, picked it up, examined all the branches, clicked with locks and realized: this is what you need.

My portfolio is green with a light green finish. It has two large compartments, fastened with large lightning. There I put textbooks and notebooks. Several small pockets, including stationery, keys and a cell phone, create additional conveniences: all small things lie separately from each other, they can be quickly found and obtained. The portfolio on the back has a dense foam pad, so the contents do not hurt the back. The straps are regulated by a special mechanism, they can be lengthened and shortened. Plastic locks in the joints of parts are fastened with one click.

My portfolio is a friend and assistant in school. He is always with me at school and at home.



