Many adults still argue, but do we need an appearance in schools such an object as Self-knowledge, because it teaches the child to know himself, to build himself as a person, and thus teaches the child to engage in self-education. Why not? What’s bad about it? Of course, most believe that the parent should be raised by the parents, and if they do not have the time, this duty is shifted to the teachers’ shoulders. But no, this is a completely wrong judgment. I believe that the child should develop himself, and adults should only push him. I am very happy that my parents adhere to such tactics, they teach me to be independent. Self-education helps me in life to acquire my own opinion in all life situations, gain experience and become an individual, and not a copy, which the teachers are trying so hard to do. Yes, and why it becomes a copy. My father often says that a person who does not have his own opinion will always obey, he will be a robot and will be unhappy. I do not really want to become a robot, my thoughts are in my head and I believe that others try so hard to refute. Faced with various life situations, you understand that some councils do not work and you will have to leave this situation only by relying on yourself. So self-education is not such a bad thing. I would advise many parents to let go of the situation and let the child feel life from the other side, then he will begin to understand it, and definitely will not be afraid. And the most sustainable upbringing is not parenting, but self-education, because you are more often subordinate to your thoughts than to the thoughts that parents put in you.
The essay on “Self-Education”