“Problem of gratitude” composition

What is true gratitude and how can we express it to those whom we are most indebted to – close people? After all, it seems that these people are always there, and their help is so ordinary…
It is to this problem – gratitude for simple, inconspicuous benefits – the author dedicates his reasoning. He talks about this, talking about his own life, about how colossal help in his student years was given to him by the closest people – mother and sisters. The author also mentions other people who have helped from time to time and to whom in youth he did not feel due gratitude, not realizing that it was not easy for them either.
The author is a great Russian surgeon NI Pirogov – I am sure that a person should realize that no one is obliged to do something for him, and one must learn to be grateful for everything done for you. Grateful should be all: and those who helped once (and he did not have to do this), and those who are always near you and sacrifice for you habitually and mundanely – the mother, father, close relatives.
I, of course, agree with the author of the text. We often forget that our loved ones are individuals, with their own problems and desires. Maybe the child’s mom wants to take a nap in front of the TV on Sunday, but she gets up early and leads the kid to the zoo, because he wants it. The kid does not even notice and understands the victim of his mother, but when he grows up, he must realize that his mother has repeatedly forsaken his own interests and desires. And treat at the same time to the native person as if he is obliged to be on the alert and all to help and help at every your difficulty – this is disgusting ingratitude.
For example, in the story of K. Paustovsky “Telegram” refers to a girl who, having twirled on her own – also important, of course – affairs, completely forgot her mother. Nastya is a good, kind girl, but she does not know how to be grateful to her mother for everything she has done for her. Mother seems to her some familiar and even slightly annoying thing. For some reason, Nastia does not even think that her mother is old and can die without ever hearing from her adored daughter, as she likes her and how grateful she is to her.
Unfortunately, not all of us are able to be grateful to the people around us for their help. In this respect, I recall a poem in Ivan Turgenev’s prose “A Feast at the Supreme Being”. There it is said how at the feast of the Supreme Being for the first time in history two virtues met: Beneficence and Gratitude. The author notes with bitter irony that this has not happened, how much light costs.
You have to learn to notice all the good things that people around you do and be grateful for it.



