Composition of a man

You can often hear the phrase: “I am a man!” and we all understand what it means. A person in general understanding is a biological being who has his needs and instincts. In addition to the existing physiological needs for food and rest, there are spiritual needs. Just this phrase refers specifically to the emotional and spiritual component of a person.

We all live in a society where we fulfill certain roles. People can not live without encirclement and without communicating with other people. Only being in society, a person gets the necessary development and acquires certain skills. This is what distinguishes him from animals and gives him the right to call himself a man. In society, we are all considered individuals, but with age we must become a person. To become it, it is necessary to develop not only physically, but also spiritually.

The main feature of a person is the ability to think and reason. To develop these skills, you need to learn more information, learn something new and be sure to read books. They make us think and comprehend certain topics, thanks to them we learn a lot of new and interesting things. In addition to development, we must understand and meaningfully relate to our behavior and actions. Only a person before doing something will think everything over and only then will make the planned.

To have the full right to call yourself a person, one must become a person. We need to develop and educate in ourselves only good qualities. We must be able to love, empathize, and pity other people. We must help each other and not give up in difficult situations. Only in this way can we assert that we are human beings. Being a person is very responsible. Do not forget that a person is a sensible, intelligent and sentient being. Man must make the life of others and his more luminous and kind.



