The story of K. G. Paustovsky “The Telegram”, written in 1946, struck me to the bottom of my heart, probably because it touches on the important for any person problem-relationship between parents and children. In its own way the main characters of the story – Katerina Petrovna and her daughter Nastya – decide. Katerina Petrovna lived out her life “in an old house built by her father – a famous artist.” Her daughter, Nastya, who lives in a distant big city, very rarely wrote to her and almost did not come. Their affairs, strange interests of the mother, their happiness carry her more than their own mother. Katerina Petrovna from modesty is afraid to remind of itself. “It’s better not to interfere,” she decides.
She is lonely in an empty, cold house, where “the bitter smell of unheated furnaces has stagnated, it is becoming increasingly difficult for her to wake up in the morning,” feeling her own “uselessness” and her “memorial” house under the protection of the regional museum.
Internal status of Katerina Petrovna the author passes and with the help of the landscape. Autumn cold weather, dried up grass in the garden, flecked willows, blackened hips, nights long and heavy like insomnia, help to understand the inner state of the heroine, her sadness, loneliness, uselessness and homelessness.
A composition story can be divided into parts sodium. The first part is devoted to the life of Katerina Petrovna, the second – to her daughter Nastya, in the third – the story of the telegram, but it is the culmination center of the whole work.
Speaking of Katerina Petrovna, the author remembers her long life, for which she managed not so little. She was raised in an artistic family, educated, intelligent, familiar with many interesting people, “lived with her father in Paris and saw the funeral of Victor Hugo.” Aged, hunched, poorly seeing, Katerina Petrovna well remembers her youth. She keeps things dear to her heart: wrinkled gloves, ostrich feathers, some papers in a red leather reticule. Abandoned by her own daughter, she gives it all to Maniusha, a girl helping her with housework. Only this girl and the watchman with the postman sometimes visit Katerina Petrovna. All of them respect her, help as best they can. But, as they do not try, they can not brighten up her loneliness. She looks forward to receiving letters from her daughter, with a trembling reread several dry words on the postal order. Katerina Petrovna does not stand, writes a letter that touches the soul of each reader: “I do not like my life, I will not survive this winter.” Come for a day, let’s have a look at you, hold your hands. “
A slow narrative on behalf of lonely old age the author interrupts with a story about the bustling, busy work and other concerns of Nastya’s life. Occupied by the organization of the exhibition of the young sculptor, Timofeev, Nastya does not immediately read the letter from her mother, calming herself with the words: “Since the mother writes – it means she is alive.” And when he remembers “about overcrowded trains, transplanting to a narrow-gauge railway, a shaking cart, a dried up garden, inevitable mother’s tears, a brisk, bare-chested boredom of rural days,” he calmly puts the letter in the drawer of the desk. Thinking about strangers, Nastia forgets about the only native person.
When she is praised for organizing the exhibition, “for caring for a man,” Nastya is embarrassed to tears, but she is ashamed to say that she has a telegram in her pocket: “Katya is dying.” Tikhon. ” Repentance comes too late: “Mom, how could this happen, because I have no one in my life.” “There will not be any more relatives.” If only she could see me, if only she could forgive me. ” She is late everywhere: at the railway station, on her last date with her mother, and even at the funeral. Crying in an empty mother’s house all night long, she stole in the morning, trying not to be seen and asked about anything, leaves, but in her heart pain and shame will remain forever.
The telegram changed Nastya’s life, made her think about the responsibility of the person for her actions, that even in the hectic worries one should not forget that people who are close and dear to you are waiting for you. This is why KG Paustovsky chose this name.