“Family in the life of man” composition

Family is the most important thing in the life of every person. You need to protect your home, try to maintain a healthy atmosphere in it, because your emotional state depends on it. The house is the place where you will always be understood and accepted.

In the story of LM Kulikova “Woke up” the family was tragically destroyed. The son forgot about his mother: he did not visit her, did not worry about her health. He has his own family, children, so he was not up to the mother, not to the man who brought up. At one point, Tolik realized that it was wrong and went to his home, but it was too late to change anything. And there was no remorse in his soul. He left back from his mother, leaving her alone, alone with sickness and blindness.

Other family relationships are shown in the story “The Fate of Man” by MA Sholokhov. Andrei Sokolov, the protagonist, loves his native home, works hard so that his family can buy everything they need. With the help of patience and love, you can build your family. Unfortunately, the family idyll was destroyed by war. Both the wife and children were killed, and there were three of them. Withstood all the hardships of the war, the hero could not bear the loss of the family. He loses all his strength and sees no meaning in existence, but meets orphan Vanya. Andrei decides to take the child under his care, which allows him to feel the family. They found happiness in each other and care. A small family can become happy. A house is a place where you are always a favorite and welcome guest.

A happy family is what every person needs. It is in the family that we receive moral lessons, establish certain principles and get the most important thing – love. Family is a pillar of both man and state, so it is very important to build good relations in your family.



