The existence of life for every living person is a medical fact. At the same time, we all perfectly understand that the level and quality of this life can differ significantly from one person to another. On the one hand, this is understood by many by default. On the other hand, I would like to analyze this aspect more carefully and responsibly in order to understand its real content.
It is worth noting that the issue of what people are alive has been repeatedly considered by various writers, including Russian literature. Particular attention was paid to this by Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy. He believed that a person can be alive with his relationship with God, with other people. But, as a rule, any relationship of this kind was of a love nature. In simple terms, in the understanding of this great Russian writer, a person lives, above all, with love.
And if there is a place of love in people’s lives, then they, respectively, are alive. But those who are deprived of such love, on the contrary, are more likely dead than alive, let him live biologically. The question of what people are alive, always excited and was interesting to various writers, in particular they were interested in other Russian writers, not only Tolstoy. Of course, their opinion must be taken into account, because they understood life perfectly, they were oriented in it, they had an irrepressible desire to share all this with all the next generations.
That’s just every person should have their own head on their shoulders, including in order to ask exactly the same way as people are alive. Anyway, I can not fully agree that people are alive only by the presence of love in their lives. Of course, it is important, and can really fill even the most boring and banal life with a certain meaning. At the same time, unfortunately, not everyone is able to love and evoke the love of others, and disrespectfully will call these people morally dead.
I believe that everyone should be treated with respect, including those who for some reason do not have any love in life. Such people can be alive, for example, their life goals, for example, their profession or serving the whole of society. They may have some high goal that justifies their existence. However, even if they do not have all this, I can hardly say that these people are morally dead. Everyone has the right to a life that he has.
Outstanding Russian writers were convinced that the life of each person lies only in love. I agree that this is an important part, but it’s hardly worth being so radical in judgment. Indeed, the recognition of this fact will offend those people whose lives are devoid of love. Therefore, I recognize the right to life for all people.