Biography Dombrovsky Yuri Osipovich

(1909 – 1978)

Dombrovsky Yuri Osipovich (1909 – 1978), the prose writer.
Born May 12 in Moscow in the family of a famous lawyer. He grew up in Arbat alleys, graduated from school here, the first political dossier was opened here. He studied at the Higher State Literary Courses.
In 1933, Yu. Dombrovsky was deported from Moscow to Alma-Ata (3 years of exile). For several years he worked as a teacher of literature in the school.
Then comes the arrests: in 1936 – the first, when he spent 7 months in the pre-trial detention center; in 1939 – the second, sent to the camp on Kolyma, where he was until 1943; in 1949 – the third, was sent to the Taishet Ozerlag, where he was until 1955. The accusation was one: “The groaning of Party and government activities, the spread of anti-Soviet fabrications.” Yu Dombrovsky went through all this, “without acknowledging anything and signing nothing”. In 1956 he was rehabilitated for lack of corpus delicti.
Creativity Yu Dombrovsky can be conditionally divided into two periods: Kazakh (1937-55) and Moscow (1956-78).
In 1937 he actively collaborated with the newspaper “Kazakh Truth” and the magazine “Literary Kazakhstan”, publishing notes, reviews, literary-critical articles. In 1938 – the first story “The Death of Lord Byron”. In 1939, a great literary debut took place – the novel Derzhavin was published, where the writer explores the theme of interest: Hero and Time.
In 1956 he returned to Moscow, two years later he finished the novel “The Monkey Comes after his Skull”, begun in 1943 (appeared in the “New World” in 1963).
The publication in the Novy Mir magazine of the novel The Guardian of Antiquities (1964) was an event in the literature, made the author famous. The next novel is “Faculty of unnecessary things”, which continues the previous novel. The author devotes himself to the problem of law and society. In the afterword, he says of the book: “I could not write it, I could not write it.” I was given a unique opportunity to live… I became… a witness of the greatest tragedy of our Christian era… There is a trial. I have to speak on it. ” The novel was finished in 1975, but the first edition was abroad: in Paris in 1978.
On May 29, Dombrovsky died, and did not see his novel published.
A short biography from the book: Russian writers and poets. A short biographical dictionary. Moscow, 2000.



