“Do not have a hundred rubles…”

This weekend we went to the zoo class.

Autumn only touched the trees with the first yellow, it was warm. The mood is good also because my parents gave me money and pocket money. I felt like an adult. On the way, he bought a treat in one or another kiosk. The teacher told me: “Do you have enough money for a ticket to the zoo?” Instead of answering, I patted my pocket.

When we came to the zoo cashiers, it turned out that I miscalculated. Money for the ticket was not enough. And after all the daddy, handing me money, has advised to buy any entertaining for animals. On the territory of the zoo there is a kiosk, where they sell treats for animals and birds.

I looked at the guys who had already bought tickets. “But I warned you,” said the teacher, “so that you do not waste your money thoughtlessly.” Now, what should I do? “

There was a silence. One boy said: “I only left for ice cream and return journey home.” It was felt that other classmates did not even bother to help me out. After all, they saw how carelessly I disposed of parental money. Then Inna, my neighbor on the school desk, said: “I will do without ice cream.” Here’s the money for the ticket. ” “I do not have ice cream, I have a sore throat,” Inna Igor supported. And all of a sudden, hands with money were coming to me from all sides…

“It’s not for nothing that the proverb says:” Do not have a hundred rubles, but have a hundred friends, “said the teacher.” Of course, we are not one hundred in the class, but we do not want to help comrades. “



