My friend’s name is Polina. This is a fairly rare name. Polina has good brown eyes, when she smiles, then her mischievous cheeks appear mischievous dimples. Polina has light, short-cropped hair. The bang closes the high forehead, resembles the eyebrows. Pauline has two brothers – Dimka and Timka. Although they are harmful, Pauline loves them and lets them play with their toys. Except for one – dolls of Lyuska. She was given Polina when she was five years old, and since then she has not given up her toy. His girlfriend shortcut doll cut. “My little sister,” she laughs, laughing. Polina’s little ears are stud earrings. She is always dressed neatly and sportingly: she has dark blue jeans, a gray sweater, and on top she has a jeans jacket; on the legs light sneakers.
Polina’s brothers had long been selected for the doll Lyuska. The desire to get the doll became the stronger, the more the sister protected Lyuska from them. One day, when Pauline was at school, Dimka and Timka took the doll and stuck it in the open window of someone’s car. Pauline immediately discovered the loss, but the brothers all denied everything. Polina ran to me all in tears, and together we began to look for Lyuska.
In the end, Timka confessed that they had sent the doll to ride, and told how it was. When we went down to the yard, the car was gone, but on the bench at the entrance our Lyuska lay. Apparently, the owner of the car noticed a toy, Irrigated children in the salon, and put it on the bench. Polina simply shone with happiness: the earrings-studs shone in her ears, it seemed, even the rivets on her jeans shone. We went up to the apartment. Pauline did not scold the brothers. She changed her favorite in a blue dress with white peas, and we sat down to drink tea with strawberry jam. We called for the table and Dimka and Timka, who felt guilty. I said to Pauline: “You always liked my bear Foma, from a light gray fur with a black bow, I give it to you.” I’m sure: Lyuska will make friends with him. ” The next day, Thomas moved to Polina’s apartment.