Unusual hunting

One day my father and I went hunting. It was at the beginning of winter.

At sunset near the Walnut forest, the dog finally took a rabbit footprint. Here, probably, at dawn the beast went on a couch. We approached the edge of the forest. The dog immediately disappeared into the thick of snow-covered trees, numb in the evening cold.

“You’ll get stuck here on the road,” Father pointed to the rows of young pines that stretched from the forest along the field along the hillock.

The frost was strengthening. He, apparently, strongly interfered with the work of the hound Alpha: from the thicket rarely, rarely heard her melodious voice. “Ding!” – exactly tightly strung the string burst in the air that was free from the student’s air. And again for a long time no sound, no rustle.

Standing still, shifting, trampling under the snow is tired. In addition, I began to freeze: my feet were freezing, frost made my way through the collar, creeping up to my body through my sleeves. My father disappeared somewhere.

Of course, I knew that a hareback under a hound is walking in the same circle. “But even if the dog immediately starts a rut,” I reasoned, “do we have time to choose the light before dawn and wait on the circle of the return of the beast?” And I strode down along the edge of the forest.

“Oh no no no!” – Suddenly, she fell into a rage, began to sing, moaned in the forest. It was flooded with Alpha. I rushed headlong up the hill. The prickly air opened up the lungs. I was anxious to take up the post again, from which I had just deserted. But I did not have time: my father was now on the “patch” that had been bruised by me. A moment later, a long, long-awaited Russian horseman galloped past me with the black tips of his ears pinned to the greyish-red wool at the top of his head… Let him live!

That’s the kind of hunting we got – without a single shot.



