Composition is my favorite activity

Every person, regardless of his age, must have a hobby. Each of us should have such an occupation, which we will be happy to do in our spare time. For me, modern dance is such an activity.

From early childhood, I liked to watch concerts, which were performed by famous singers, singer, and musical groups. I liked to listen to their songs and dance to incendiary music. But most of the time I just watched the TV and admired the way the dancers move at these concerts. They were so beautiful, harmoniously, synchronously danced, that I just could not take my eyes off them.

And then I decided that I wanted to dance, to move beautifully, like the stars of show business. This desire did not pass in a few years. So recently I decided that it’s worth to join a dance group. Which I did. As it turned out, I was not the only one who wanted to engage in modern dance, so in my group there are 8 girls besides me. The leader of our group is a beautiful girl of 27, who is very kind to us, always helps, tells us how to make this or that movement and dances so passionately that her every dance inspires us even more to learn how to dance and hone our skills.

Of course, at first it was not very nice for me to dance, I was confused in positions, was slightly awkward. But with every visit to dance lessons, I felt that I was standing on my feet more confidently, my movements were becoming smoother, my tummy was losing weight from quick movements. From these dances I literally change before our very eyes. And as I now dance in discos! I give myself to dances, listen to the melody and live in it, immersed in the unique world of music, revealing every time something new in it.

And now for me dance is a whole world, without which I can not live a day.



