On the eve of the Victory Day, the theme of the war is especially urgent. In school years, we have repeatedly performed works on the theme of war. One of these works was Boris Vasilyev’s story “And the Dawns Here Are Quiet”. This work left an indelible impression in my soul, the consequence of this was the formation of my patriotic feelings, the appearance of respect for the heroines of this story. In terms of genre, this is a military drama, and this, most likely, influenced my impression of reading this work. I do not like works about the Great Patriotic War, I do not watch films with such themes. But this story is the only one that has found a response in my soul. After some time after reading the story, I watched her adaptation of the 1972 release in the production of director Stanislav Rostotsky. The screening produced similar feelings compared to the story itself.
According to the author Boris Vasiliev, the story “A Dawns Here Are Quiet” is based on a real episode of the war. Only in this episode did not participate girls, but guys. Seven soldiers, who after the injury served at the junction station of the Kirov Railway, prevented the German sabotage group from blowing up the railway on this site. One sergeant remained alive who was the commander of this group of Soviet soldiers. He was awarded the medal “For Military Merit” after the war. Women are the hardest of all and everything was in the war, because the war does not have a woman’s face. The idea of the author to change the heroes of the boys to young girls was one of the key successes of this story in the future.
The plot tells the story of the fate of 5 young anti-aircraft gunners and their commander during the Great Patriotic War. The time of the narrative is May 1942. The place of action is the countryside in Russia, namely the 171st railway crossing. The commander of this trip is Petty Officer Fedot Vaskov. Soldiers arrive there, look around, and then I start drinking and walking. Foreman Sergeant Vaskov does not like this, he writes numerous reports, and a platoon of “non-drinking” soldiers-girls-antiaircrafters-is sent to him. Once one of the girls Rita sees two Germans in the forest and informs the foreman about this. Vaska receives an order from the authorities to “catch” these Germans. The foreman understands that the Germans are going to the Kirov railway to blow it up. Sergeant Waskow decides to get to the railway by the first short way through the swamps, which lie between two lakes, and wait there for the Germans. With him, he takes the 5th girls anti-aircraft gunners. After they safely reach the lake, they learn that the Germans are not two, but sixteen. It becomes clear that the forces are unequal, that the number of Germans greatly outnumber them. The foreman sends one of the girls Lisa back to the road to call for help. And the foreman himself, meanwhile, with the other girls decides to mislead the Germans. Loudly shouting in the woods, they depict the woodcutters, make noise and fall trees. Despite the fact that the Germans do not know about their numerical superiority over the enemy, all the girls die. Only the foreman remains alive. He comes out of the forest to his own with three captured Germans and with a victory. that the Germans are not two, but sixteen. It becomes clear that the forces are unequal, that the number of Germans greatly outnumber them. The foreman sends one of the girls Lisa back to the road to call for help. And the foreman himself, meanwhile, with the other girls decides to mislead the Germans. Loudly shouting in the woods, they depict the woodcutters, make noise and fall trees. Despite the fact that the Germans do not know about their numerical superiority over the enemy, all the girls die. Only the foreman remains alive. He comes out of the forest to his own with three captured Germans and with a victory. that the Germans are not two, but sixteen. It becomes clear that the forces are unequal, that the number of Germans greatly outnumber them. The foreman sends one of the girls Lisa back to the road to call for help. And the foreman himself, meanwhile, with the other girls decides to mislead the Germans. Loudly shouting in the woods, they depict the woodcutters, make noise and fall trees. Despite the fact that the Germans do not know about their numerical superiority over the enemy, all the girls die. Only the foreman remains alive. He comes out of the forest to his own with three captured Germans and with a victory. Loudly shouting in the woods, they depict the woodcutters, make noise and fall trees. Despite the fact that the Germans do not know about their numerical superiority over the enemy, all the girls die. Only the foreman remains alive. He comes out of the forest to his own with three captured Germans and with a victory. Loudly shouting in the woods, they depict the woodcutters, make noise and fall trees. Despite the fact that the Germans do not know about their numerical superiority over the enemy, all the girls die. Only the foreman remains alive. He comes out of the forest to his own with three captured Germans and with a victory.
This story shows us all the tragedy of the war and the fate of its unwilling participants, as well as their heroism, fearlessness before death and willpower in the fight against unequal forces.