“Do not shoot at white swans” – a remarkable story by BL Vasiliev, raising the issue of human-nature relations. The work was written by the author in 1973, but, unfortunately, it is actual today.
The main hero of the story is Polushkin – a simple hard-working person with a kind character. In the village where he lives, people do not take him seriously and chuckle, but his wife calls useless in house affairs. Only Kolka, Polushkin’s son, loves and respects his father very much. The boy is very similar in character to him, that’s why he also often becomes an object of ridicule and is offended.
Polushkin can not stay for a long time at different jobs, but one day he arranges a forester, and this business carries him. The hero with full responsibility comes to his duties, protects the forest, which ultimately leads to the fact that he is killed by poachers.
It seems to me that the work is very sad and difficult, forcing a lot to think about. The main character, embodying kindness and naivety, suffers unfairly in the story. The book expresses the realities of modern life, because cruelty to animals and all nature, disrespect of society to naive kind people has long become an unpleasant norm.
I believe that the author showed the struggle of two phenomena: good and evil, expressed in the fact that one hero is able to buy swans, and the other – without compassion to kill beautiful birds. The book helps to understand that it is individuals who are able not only to save nature, but also to destroy it.