Pushkin the great Russian poet

Why is the great Russian poet of the nineteenth century AS Pushkin?

Each schoolboy remembers by heart the lines of Pushkin’s poems. His great talent struck not only contemporaries, but also descendants. Almost all of the poet’s works were thoroughly studied by writers, historians and critics. Topics covered in the books are close to the reader to this day. Scientific research has shown that in the vocabulary of Alexander Sergeevich there were about 21 thousand unique words, while their total number was about three hundred thousand. His literary genius was expressed not only by the refinement of phrases, but also by the peculiarity of versification, which was easily perceived by the listener.

Many believe that the great Russian poet of the nineteenth century is A. S. Pushkin. His favorite rhyming schemes are iambic and dactyl. The end of the poetic lines in poetry is characterized by a male and female clause. Many researchers have noticed a wide range of possibilities of the poet, which could vary by different methods when creating texts. He easily owned an adjacent, cross and girdle rhyme.

Lyric Pushkin imbued with high feelings and emotions of the author. Each poem reveals the personal life of the poet, accompanied by suffering, excitement, love and passion. His wife, Natalia Goncharova, was for Alexander Sergeevich a muse and inspiration. His experiences were completely reflected in poetry.

The political aspects of the 19th century were fully reflected by the writer. His freedom of love and sincerity are expressed in many works. Fervid feelings towards the Russian reality do not leave readers indifferent. After touching the history, you will recognize the era through the eyes of the author.

Nurse Alexander Sergeevich inspired a great man to create a whole block of fairy tales. Their colorfulness, melodiousness, vivacity affect the hearts of young readers since childhood. Folk art in the hands of the master played with new colors and got a precious cut. The positive heroes of fairy-tale works are kind, noble, sympathetic as opposed to negative characters. Fairy tales written by Alexander Pushkin teach good, to distinguish lies from truth, to be honest, sympathetic, just and brave. They are simply adored by children, and many adults with pleasure re-read cognitive and fascinating stories. Great popularity is enjoyed by animated films, the script of which is taken from the fairy tales of the great Russian poet.

AS Pushkin made a huge contribution to Russian literature for his short but insanely eventful life. His poems still serve as an example for many contemporary poets and writers. Poems of the great poet touch the Russian soul, excite her and leave a trace in the minds of contemporaries for life.



