Composition “Spring Flowers”

No sooner had the last snowdrift melted, as grasses, branches and timid spring flowers stretched toward the sun, the composition of which is offered to the attention of the reader. Elegant heads of snowdrops and silvery bells of lilies of the valley, elegant petals of daffodils and touching yellow mimosa, as well as a sea of ​​silky tulips on urban flower beds.

The tips of the long icicles hanging from the roof rested against my window sill. Reluctantly I climbed out from under the blanket and looked at the calendar. Early April. Spring Break has ended. and where the bright sun, murmuring streams, The first snowdrops and other attributes of this time of year. Outside the window is a dull landscape, dirty gray drifts and black hieroglyphs of branches.

Suddenly, a warm wind blew, dispersed the low clouds, and a piercing ray of sunlight slid over the frozen roofs of the houses. Icicles immediately began to cry with crystal-iridescent, ringing tears. Snowdrifts began to settle, draining muddy streams along the edges of the roads. The sun with the wind frolicked in a race – everything around it at once melted and dried up.

Alleys of squares and parks, literally in a matter of days, were covered with tender, emerald grass, and revived trees – swollen buds.

City flower beds filled with spring flowers. White and yellow daffodils, so majestic in their simplicity, stood in even rows on elastic stalks, like an invincible army. Their subtle aroma soared in the air, interwoven with the smell of young foliage.

Flowers with tulips in general looked like colorful, Persian carpets. The large, velvet heads were so tightly fitting to each other that they seemed to be a single panel. Planted in a certain color range, tulips intertwined in the rainbow palette of intricate patterns.

In cafes, moved from buildings to city streets under awnings and colorful umbrellas, hung in flower pots, of all kinds, Spring bouquets. There were also classical geraniums, and exotic mimosa and fragrant, touching, native lilies of the valley, the aroma of which tickled the nostrils with a sweetish smell.

Hooray! Spring came. Nature woke up from a winter sleep, and people – from a spleen. The desire to live with new strength, to overcome difficulties and to love has become aggravated!



