Each generation for four centuries in different ways is experiencing the tragedy of William Shakespeare’s “Hamlet”, written in 1601. The secret hidden in the tragedy, everyone reveals in his own way. Hamlet? .. Do we understand the meaning of this name? – it’s great and deep: it’s human life, it’s a person, it’s you, it’s me, it’s each of us.
Anxiety of the soul is so great that the shock of meeting with the Ghost leads Hamlet to the brink of insanity, as he commits a terrible discovery. He finds the perpetrators of the death of his father, the concrete bearers of evil. His reluctance to reconcile, the thirst for truth in him is stronger than fear for life. The Danish prince was mistaken for a madman at the time of the shock and, realizing this, he put on the crazy mask. Madness for Hamlet – the ability to tell the truth, the right to insolence.
Hamlet gladly meets the actors, they will help him make the past alive. A crime committed in secret, will come to life, will tear the veils of decency from the scoundrels.
Hamlet is depressed by the betrayal of his mother. He doubts the nobility of human nature, the fidelity of female love.
The king is convicted of a crime, Hamlet gives him the opportunity to justify himself. He seeks manifestations of nobility in human nature, he awakens reproaches of conscience, depriving them of tranquility – this is his verdict.
Hamlet does not just take revenge – he restores justice. Too much has to be overcome by a person like Hamlet in order to take away someone’s life when a conscience awakens. In this nobility, Hamlet’s humanism, his belief in good.
He proves to himself, proves to everyone that good is stronger, smarter than evil, turning intrigue against him, against those who are guilty.
Hamlet does not just die, he could finally make retribution. He hopes that his victim will not go unnoticed, that she will connect him with the world. The secret of Hamlet, in my opinion, lies in Hamlet himself: in his courage and ability to overcome himself, to awaken the conscience of the perpetrators, since fate left Hamlet the only defender of justice.
Perhaps that is why Hamlet remains a living hero in our time, since not everyone is capable of self-sacrifice, with the fulfillment of his duty, without losing his honor in upholding human dignity.
The “secret” of Hamlet is obviously that, thinking about the destinies of the world, he can not solve the contradiction between filial duty calling him to revenge, and the Christian feeling that tells him that violence in response to violence is not a solution to problems. Hence the famous replica of Hamlet:
Torn days tie thread
disordered life course
So B. Pasternak translates, but no Russian translation gives an exact idea of these lines.