The fairy tale “The Little Prince” is written by Exupery for both children and adults. Like all books of the writer, she is about respect for people, about responsibility before humanity. And more on how to learn this complex craft. Exupery does not like instruction, as all children do not like them. But, telling the story of the Little Prince, he and his hero convince the reader of simple and wise truths.
Listening to the sonorous voice of the Little Prince, you realize that in the thunder of big cities and in everyday bustle and worries the natural generosity of the heart died out in the “adult” people, the directness and sincerity of the relationship, the masterful care for the purity of their planet, disappeared.
They are more and more immersed in the world of numbers, “get into fast trains” and already do not understand what they are looking for. “They do not know peace and rush that one way, then the other.” The world of adults on earth is the world of “kings”, “drunkards”, “geographers”, “businessmen” and “ambitious people” who have ceased to understand “what is life”, “what is important and unimportant.”
Not so it is necessary to live, as these queer adults live. Instead of decorating your house, cultivating your garden, your planet, they are waging wars, tyrannising other people and “drying their brains” with a useless tsifery, they are fussing about a vain life.
People have a lot to learn: enjoy the sunsets and sunrises, admire the beauty of fields and sands, appreciate the water of deep wells and the radiance of stars in the sky.
We must think about the small and big cares of our neighbors in the universe. It is necessary to console the one who cries on your planet. Do not forget your friends and “those you have tamed.” A person should feel responsible for others, for everything that happens in the world.
Exupery looks at people with the eyes of the Little Prince, who flew from another planet. Will we be able to look at ourselves from the outside? Do we “strictly judge ourselves”?
The writer believes in the victory of common sense, even in adults. Otherwise, he would not tell the story of the Little Prince from the asteroid B-612.