Is the lantern ridiculous?

The fairy tale of Exupery “The Little Prince” can teach a lot to a thoughtful reader, for each chapter in it is a kind of parable with a special meaning and wisdom.

The Little Prince had a special gift – he could travel on different planets. So he became acquainted with the king, the ambitious, the businessman and the drunkard – strange, in his opinion, and ridiculous people. The fifth planet, where the Little Prince reached, was very small: “on it only it was placed that the lantern and the lantern”. According to an old agreement, which now has lost all meaning, the lantern must have been. light a lantern in the evening and extinguish in the morning. But this planet rotates faster and faster, and now the lantern knows no respite: “Every minute I extinguish the lantern and again I light it up.”

Thinking, the Little Prince decided that the lantern, despite all the absurdity of his position, is worthy of respect. Partially I agree with this, but not completely. Of course, the lantern is a responsible person, he keeps the word given a long time ago. But he himself understands the meaninglessness of his work! This person can not navigate the situation, he does not know that eventually he will be forced to break the agreement, because the planet rotates faster and faster! The lantern does not make plans and does not see the results of his work, so his work is still meaningless.

The little prince, a delicate connoisseur of beauty, still manages to find the meaning of the work of the lantern: “When he lights his lantern – as if another star or flower is born, and when he extinguishes the lantern – as if a star or a flower are falling asleep… This is really useful, because it’s beautiful. ” But the stranger is well admired by someone else’s work, the lantern himself does not know the time. He was so tired that he always wants to rest. Is he still in beauty?

The little prince believes that of all the people he met, only the lantern is not funny, because “he thinks not only about himself.” I’m sorry for the lamplighter just because he does not think about himself. He should pay more attention to himself, he, with his responsibility and sense of duty, could bring real, not fictitious, benefits.

I really liked the fairy tale of Exupery, because when you read it, you can not only agree with wise advice and statements, but also think and reason independently.



