In the mouths of the greatest Russian writer, a classic recognized not only at home but also abroad, personifying Russian literature, Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoevsky, these prophetic words about a man sound unusually clear. His heroes are the most complex characters, the intertwining of passions and frenzied striving in the darkness to pass to the light. We will try to show this by the example of Raskolnikov’s image as one of Dostoevsky’s brightest heroes and, undoubtedly, the most charming “villain” in the world classical literature.
With Raskolnikov we get acquainted on the first page of the novel and its inner world is shown in the novel with thorough detail. At first glance, a young man is crushed by poverty, life, and tries to correct his social situation with the help of a crime. However, the epithet “German hatter”, which arose in the novel is not accidental, somewhat changes the angle of view of the author’s perception. The hero is not like everyone else, or rather, he considers himself very special. “Pardon me, who does not consider himself to be Napoleon in Russia?” – interrogator Porfiry Petrovich asks, the person on mind if not exceeding, obviously not inferior to the protagonist.
One more thing. Deciding to kill the old woman, Rodion thus pushes the reader to the literal perception of the word “crime” in the title of the novel. Let’s pay attention to the volume of the novel before and after the crime in the plot. Pre – writer gives us facts that cause a negative attitude to the old woman, the life of the protagonist, the terrible circumstances of the life of his family and environment. However, after the crime, the situation is further aggravated, the unremarkable details of the protagonist’s outlook, which allow the reader to imagine how a loving son, an attentive brother, just a kind person, whom he is for the Marmeladov family, can simultaneously be the author of an inhuman theory about the division of people into creatures trembling and having the right. Of course, this theory has its own truth, since Raskolnikov is a man who is addicted, not ordinary and far from stupid – he believes in his concept of the universe. But life as specifically confronts him with people and events, completely at odds with this theory.
Which of the heroes is the quivering creature? Sonechka Marmeladova, who loves his whole soul, and sacrifices himself for the sake of the family? Or his sister Dunya, shamed by rumor? As a matter of fact the theory, anyone who is not able to cross the blood, is a trembling creature. The subtle, sarcastic irony of Dostoevsky against the background of the deliberate exaltation of his hero allows
Consider another facet in the image of Raskolnikov. How does he perceive the collapse of his hopes and his vanity. That to him the greatest pain is brought only by the realization of his wrongness, that he was mistaken. Despite his intelligence, kindness, ability to love, the hero of Dostoevsky is entangled with vanity, arrogance, pride. And what if not these qualities, from the evil one?
Thus, a writer whose Christian worldview does not need commentary brings us to the key moment of realizing the idea of the work. In any man two principles are struggling: one from the sky and the other from the devil. His hero initially succumbs to the sin of pride and vanity, and then, like the snowman, his sins grow: maimed fates follow one after another. Thus, the soul of Rodion Raskolnikov is the arena for the battle of the lower and lower worlds. And the writer constantly gives him the opportunity to change his attitude, constantly puts it before a choice: whether to yield to persuasions of vanity, pride and other temptations or, despite the difficulties, to moderate pride and preserve their moral appearance. For Dostoevsky purity of thoughts is much more important than formal following the norms of morality. So, the image of Sonechka is a reproach to all hypocrites, and the villain Svidrigailov is ultimately the most distinct and decent character, even though Dostoevsky does not deny the gravity of the mortal sin of suicide. This hero punishes himself quite rightly and fairly, than involuntarily causes our respect.
And what about Raskolnikov? Along with a frenzied rush, when he rushes to an ugly dandy on the boulevard or speaks out to everyone, openly accusing Luzhin of baseness, he lacks the courage to admit his wrong. He does not repent of murder, he does not take responsibility for what he has done, although he can not fail to understand his gravity. Precisely because he does not feel repentance, he hesitates with justice. So, both sins and virtues, and evil and good manifest themselves in one human soul. And this soul is a battlefield, the eternal battle of dark and light forces. Dostoevsky as a genius writer prophet outlines the line of life and points to the result of following it. The fact that Raskolnikov is changing is not accidental. The writer believes in the original victory of good, only to strengthen it must go through a lot of difficult tests, which he tells us at the end of the epilogue to the novel. The process in this case proves to be more important than the result, because according to the Christian dogma the soul originally belongs to God, and the truly great work is to remain human on earth.