Painting Venetsianova Girl in a scarf

Alexey Gavrilovich Venetsiyonov – the master of portrait painting. But in 1819, he refuses to further from writing portraits to order and leaves to live in the village. There he writes pictures about the peasant life and everyday life of the simple Russian people.

On his canvases peasant women remind fairy beauties. They live a single life with the world around them. It is precisely the beauty of the surrounding nature and the people working on the earth that A. Venetsianov paints. A little different from other paintings is the picture “A Girl in a Headscarf”.

The picture shows a young girl with a blue checkered headscarf on her head. The girl has bright, bright eyes. They amaze with some depth, a secret. Her gaze is open. She has not yet known sorrows and sorrows. Childishly plump lips give the face of a young peasant woman naivety and touchingness. She seems to want to smile, but natural modesty restrains her impulse. All the girl’s face glows with purity and spirituality. Hair smoothly combed. They are separated by a straight part. We can assume that on her back lie two thick braids, decorated with ribbons.

The young beauty is modest. Her hand holds a handkerchief so that he does not slip off his head. She looks at the artist, but it is worthwhile for the master to look closely at his model, as her eyes shamefacedly cover the fluffy eyelashes. She will lower her gaze to immediately look at her drawing person with her pure gaze.

Drawing a portrait of a girl in a scarf, A. Venetsianov believes that such a face is created for happiness, that the misfortunes and sorrows of hard peasant life will bypass the girl side. I want to believe in this and the viewer, who looks at the young features, admires their virgin integrity.



