(1896 – 1978)
Antonokolsky Pavel Grigorievich (1896 – 1978), poet, translator. Born June 19 (July 1, current) in St. Petersburg in the family of a lawyer. The main passion of childhood was drawing with watercolors and colored pencils. In 1904 the family moved to Moscow, where soon the future poet entered a private gymnasium. In the senior classes began his passion for poetry, theater, recitation. He also led a handwritten journal. After graduating from high school in 1914, a year later he entered the law faculty of Moscow University, but he was not destined to become a lawyer. His fate was decided in the Student Drama Studio, which was directed by E. Vakhtangov. He became an actor, then – until the mid-1930s – a director at the Theater. E. Vakhtangova.
Since the beginning of the revolution, he served in the Moscow City Council’s residence for the sake of preserving the Studio, which soon turned into the Theater of the People near the Stone Bridge. In 1918 he wandered with a brigade of actors on the front lines of the Western Front, then served in various Moscow theaters.
In 1920 he began to visit the “Cafe of Poets” on Tverskaya Street, where he met with V. Bryusov, who liked the poems of Antokolsky, and he published them in the almanac “The Artistic Word” (1921). The first book of “Poems” was published in 1922. Throughout 1920 – 30 published several poetry collections: “The Fall” (1926), “Actors” (1932), “Long distances” (1936), “Pushkin Year” (1938) and others. During the Patriotic War, Antokolsky was a correspondent of front-line newspapers, he directed the troupe of the front theater. In 1943 the poem “Son” was created, dedicated to the memory of his son, who died at the front.
Creativity P. Antokolsky most fully represented in the books: “Workshop” (1958), “High Voltage” (1962), “The Fourth Dimension”
Antokolsky owns several books of articles and memoirs: “Poets and Time” (1957), “The Way of Poets” (1965), “Tales of Time” (1971).
Antokolsky is known as an excellent translator of French poetry, as well as poets of Georgia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, etc.
He lived a long life, P. Antokolsky died in 1978 in Moscow.
A short biography from the book: Russian writers and poets. A short biographical dictionary. Moscow, 2000.