Mamin-Sibiryak (real name – Mamin) Dmitry Narkisovich (1852 – 1912), the prose writer.
He was born on October 25 (November 6, 2001) in the Vishimo-Shaitan factory of the Perm province in the family of a factory priest. He received a home education, then studied at the Visim school for the children of workers.
In 1866 he was admitted to the Ekaterinburg Theological School, where he studied until 1868, then continued his education at the Permological Theological Seminary (until 1872). During these years he participates in a circle of advanced seminarians, is influenced by the ideas of Chernyshevsky, Dobrolyubov, Herzen.
In 1872 Mamin-Sibiryak entered the St. Petersburg Medical and Surgical Academy for the veterinary department. In 1876, without completing the course of the Academy, moves to the Faculty of Law of St. Petersburg University, but after studying for a year, he is forced to leave it because of material difficulties and a sharp deterioration in health (tuberculosis began).
In the summer of 1877 he returned to the Urals, to his parents. The following year, his father died, and the whole burden of caring for the family lay on Mamin-Sibiryak. To educate brothers and sisters and manage to earn, it was decided to move to a major cultural center. Yekaterinburg was chosen, where his new life begins. Here he married Maria Alekseeva, who became not only his wife-friend, but also an excellent adviser on literary issues. During these years he makes many trips around the Urals, studies literature on history, economics, ethnography of the Urals, plunges into the people’s life, communicates with “simpletons” who have a great life experience.
The first fruit of this study was a series of travel essays “From the Urals to Moscow” (1881 – 82), published in the Moscow newspaper “Russian Vedomosti”; then in the journal “Delo” came out his essays “In the Stones”, short stories (“At the Turn of Asia”, “In Thin Souls”, etc.). Many were signed by the pseudonym “D. Sibiryak.”
The first major work of the writer was the novel Privalovskie Millions (1883), which was printed throughout the year in the journal Delo and was a great success. In 1884 in the magazine “Otechestvennye zapiski” appeared the novel “Mountain Nest”, which fixed Mamin-Sibiryak’s reputation as an outstanding realist writer.
Two lengthy trips to the capital (1881 – 82, 1885 – 86) strengthened the literary connections of the writer: he meets with Korolenko, Zlatovratsky, Goltsev, etc. During these years he writes and prints many small stories and essays.
In 1890 he divorced his first wife and married a talented artist of the Ekaterinburg Drama Theater M. Abramova and moved to Petersburg, where the last stage of his life passes (1891-1912). A year later Abramova dies, leaving her sick daughter Alyonushka in her father’s arms, shocked by this death.
The rise of the social movement in the early 1890s contributed to the emergence of such works as the novels “Gold” (1892), the story “Ochonina brow” (1892). Mamin-Sibiryak’s works for children were widely known: Alenushkin’s Fairy Tales (1894-96), The Gray Neck (1893), Zarnitsy (1897), The Urals (1899), etc.
The last major works of the writer – novels “Features from the life of Pepko” (1894), “Falling Stars” (1899) and the story “Mumma” (1907).
At the age of 60, on November 2 (15 N.), 1912 Mamin-Sibiryak died in St. Petersburg.
A short biography from the book: Russian writers and poets. A short biographical dictionary. Moscow, 2000.