Biography Stanyukovich Konstantin Mikhailovich

(1843 – 1903)

Stanyukovich Konstantin Mikhailovich (1843 – 1903), the prose writer. Born March 18 (30 N. p.) In Sevastopol in the family of the admiral of the Russian fleet, who continued the traditions of the family, whose father and grandfather were also sailors.
Despite the fact that the naval career did not attract young Stanyukovich, he was given to the naval corps in 1857, and in October 1860 he was sent on a long voyage, which was the beginning of his writing career. The first essays Stanyukovich from the life of sailors were published in the early 1860’s. In 1867 they came out as a separate book – From the Circumnavigation.
For some time he leaves the “marine” material, for a number of years he has collaborated in various Petersburg publications. In 1872 he began to work in the journal “Delo”, which helps determine his ideological and political positions. His “Letters of a noble alien” and “Pictures of public life” – a sharp and accurate criticism of the post-reform reality. The same theme is devoted to the novels “Two Brothers” (1880), “Whirlpool” (1881). Being abroad abroad in 1877 – 79, he approached the revolutionary emigres, for whom he was exiled to Tomsk in 1885.
In 1886 – 1902 wrote the most significant of his work – “Sea Stories”, in which he strives for “life and truth.” The theme of the sea will now live in his books. In 1893 an essay entitled “Little Sailors” was published,
Such qualities of a human nature as civil courage, independence, responsibility, spiritual stamina, cause the author’s heightened attention – “Joke” (1898), “Morning” (1901), “Dog” (1902), etc.
May 7 (20 n.) 1903 K. Stanyukovich died in Naples.
A short biography from the book: Russian writers and poets. A short biographical dictionary. Moscow, 2000.

Biography Stanyukovich Konstantin Mikhailovich