Biography of Daria Zgoba

Zgoba Daria – Ukrainian athlete, European champion in the exercises on the uneven bars. Daria was born on November 7, 1989 in the city of Ivano-Frankivsk. He is engaged in sports gymnastics: exercises on a beam and uneven bars. Sports began to get involved in four years, when the restless girl was taken to a sports club for gymnastics.

At the age of eight, I felt a tremendous craving for victories, it was at that time that Darya began to receive non-standard exercises in gymnastics. Extremely plastic, light, with excellent stretching and sports training, Daria Zgoba is now performing a complex program in the world gymnastics practice. The first coach in the biography of Daria Zgoba was Oksana Ivanovna Kryzhanovskaya, who showed the basic techniques of working with the projectile. This allowed Daria to develop not only physical data, but also to overcome psychological barriers, to gain confidence. As a result, today Daria Zgoba is one of the leaders of the Ukrainian team. At age 19, Daria is already an Honored Master of Sports at the international level.

He is a representative of the sports club “Biola”, which also includes such famous athletes as Valery Goncharov, Irina Krasnyanskaya. Coach of the whole national team of Ukraine is Igor Korobchinsky.

Today, Daria Zgoba is studying in Donetsk in the Higher School of. Sergei Bubka. A promising, self-confident, effective athlete is a strong competitor to gymnasts from other countries and a patriot of Ukraine. The goal of Daria’s immediate life is professional growth, victory at the Beijing Olympics.

Among the awards in the biography of Daria Zgoba is gold, silver and bronze. The first award at the European Championship was bronze, won in 2005 for the exercises on the uneven bars. In the following 2006, the gymnast twice won silver for performances on the uneven bars and logs in Glasgow. And, finally, in 2007, Daria won a gold medal. This European Championship athlete won with a brilliant performance, an assessment of the complexity of which is 6.5 points.

In addition, Daria Zgoba won gold at the Olympic tests in Beijing. Performances were held in the same arena, where the Beijing Olympics 2008 will be held. Daria is the winner and winner of the Youth Olympic Days, held in Europe.

A complicated performance with new elements, self-control, hard work along with the young, gentle character of the girl singles out the gymnast among other contenders for Olympic gold.



