Crimea essay

Far in the sea is a large land area – Crimea peninsula. His nature is amazing! The southern part is occupied by the steppe, in the extreme south there are mountains that descend simply to the sea. The Crimean mountains are relatively low and stretch for 150 km. The highest peak of the Crimea is the Roman-Kosh mountain – it has a height of 1545 m. Between the mountains and the sea stretches the coastline – the southern coast of the Crimea. The mountains protect this area from the northern winds, and the sea softens the heat. This is the warmest region of the country.

Here is a very favorable climate – spring comes in February, and the frost-free period exceeds 220 days. According to the number of sunny days, Crimea occupies one of the first places in Eastern Europe! The vegetation of the peninsula is also diverse. Rosehips, blackberries, hawthorn, together with mackerel, incense and other bushes form impenetrable thickets. The usual for these places are the oaks. Here and there are typical Mediterranean groves, which consist of juniper, Stankevich pine, and pistachio tuscus. In the open area, groups of southern dry-bore plants, like Astragalus, Kermek, rule. Higher in the mountains there are forests, which consist of Crimean pine and other various types of trees. At an altitude of 1000 1300 m, grow large oaks, beech and mixed forests, as well as Crimean pine. Even higher, on the peaks with a smoothed relief begin the meadow steppe. In the mountains of Crimea, the amount of precipitation reaches 1100 mm. That’s why a beech grows here – a fairly hygrophilous breed of wood.



