Pushkin is a good companion of our life. It seems that you know it by heart from childhood, and yet any time, revealing as it were a familiar, long-beloved favorite book, you find in it something new, not previously known, flashed for the first time. You hear an active sound, you see those unrestrainedly cheerful, then thoughtful, intelligent eyes and involuntarily get involved in a conversation with the writer.
I like poems, poems of Pushkin. But in a greater degree he attracts me as a prose writer. I read to the holes of “The Tale of Belkin,” admired Dubrovsky. “The Captain’s Daughter” shocked my fantasies and remained a favorite work.
Now, if I hear about honor, nobility and true love, images of Grinev and Masha Mironova appear in my memory.
This work, despite the small volume, is full of deep meaning. In the “Captain’s Daughter” simultaneously develops several storylines. One of them is
The love story of Masha and Grinev, the other – the events that happened at that time in the Orenburg province.
The action takes place in 1772 – 1775, shortly before and during the Pugachev uprising. AS Pushkin believed that the story should be “a historical time, developed in a fictional narrative.”
The plot of the work consists in the fact that the young officer Peter Grinev was sent to serve in the Belogorsky fortress. On the way, he makes rash acts, loses 100 rubles to Zurin, scolds his uncle Savelich, although he is right, not giving the master of finance.
Following the fortress, Grinev and his uncle got lost at the time of the storm, but they accidentally met a peasant who had brought them to the inn. The young man, thanking the leader for help, gave him his hare sheepskin coat. It would seem, an ordinary event, but what a huge benefit it brought later!
Arriving in the Belogorsky fortress, Grinev met the daughter of his chief Mironov. Masha liked the young man. Because of the girl, he quarreled with his friend Shvabrin, who, as it turned out later, was wooing her, but was refused. Not wanting that someone with impunity defamed the good name of Masha, Grinev causes the offender to duel. He acted like a real man.
The duel almost ended with the death of Grinev because of Shvabrin’s meanness. Recovering, Grinev learned that Shvabrin had written a denunciation on him. This aroused in a young man a hatred for his enemy. The righteous anger of Grinev is close and understandable to me.
At the same time, an uprising began in the province. Insurgents under the guidance of Pugachev easily took the fortress. The commandant, his wife and officers were killed. Shvabrin, having tarnished the honor of an officer, having changed his oath, became a servant of rebels. Grinev would never have become a traitor. He preferred to die, but the faithful Savelich saved his master. Pugachev turned out to be the same peasant Grinev once gave to the hare sheepskin. Well paid off handsomely!
The young man was shocked by the fact that the childish sheepskin coat presented to the vagabond rescued him from the noose, and the drunkard, staggering over the inns, besieged the fortresses and shook the state. Grinev did not swear allegiance to Pugachev. “I swore allegiance to the empress, you can not swear an oath.”
This act of Grinev brought me to admiration: being completely in the hands of Pugachev, he does not try to hide his convictions from him. The pretender, amazed at this honesty, dismissed the young man. More than once will Grinev see the nobility of Pugachev: the peasant leader, delighted with the courage of Grinev, saves Masha Mironov from the hated Shvabrin. These actions of Pugachev testify to his outstanding nature from the very best side. He knew how to spare not only friends, but also enemies. This humane attitude makes me sincerely respect.
The model of decency in the story is Petr Andreevich Grinev. Recall that he refused to serve Pugachev. Is not his attitude to Masha the same: Grinev was not afraid to sacrifice his life to save Masha from the hands of Shvabrin. And what nobility is imbued with his behavior in court, when, at the risk of being sentenced to life penal servitude, Pyotr Andreevich tries not to tarnish Masha’s honor!
Epigraph to the “Captain’s daughter” Pushkin chose the proverb: “Take care of the honor from the young”, and the behavior of the hero fully corresponded to it. How can one not remember the present state of the Russian army, when officers sell military property, moreover, weapons! We should have had more officers like Grinev, selflessly devoted to the Russian Federation, all whose actions were directed to her advantage!
Again and again I come back to Grinev, thinking about his actions. It is felt that he is very likable to the author himself. In the features of Peter Andreevich, we can guess the thoughts and feelings of the writer himself. The heroes of his works will continue to have my heart for a long time.