Completion Reconquista and the formation of the Spanish kingdom

Processes Reconquista particularly intensified in the XII-XIII centuries. In the second half of the 12th century. Aragonese took over Zaragoza. In 1147, Lisbon was taken, which became the capital of Portugal. At the beginning of the XIII century. Castilians conquered the largest Moorish principalities – Cordoba and Seville. In the second half of the 13th century. In the hands of the Moors on the Iberian Peninsula, only Granada remained, which no longer posed a serious threat to the Christian states. The reconquista paused until the end of the 15th century.

Reconquista contributed to the political organization of the Spanish states. In the course of the liberation struggle, local laws were adopted, the political role of the nobility and townspeople increased, and the privileges to know what became the basis for the formation of the estate-representative institutions – the Cortes. They gave permission to collect taxes, decided on the issue of succession to the succession, took part in drafting laws, etc.

D. de Siloy. Sculptures of Ferdinand of Aragon and Isabella of Castile. Granada. XVI century.

In 1492, after a long siege, the army of Catholic kings captured Granada. The south of the Iberian Peninsula was annexed to the Spanish kingdom. Portugal continued to remain independent.

At the end of XV century. the reconquest and reunification of Spain into a single state was completed.

Cortes – during feudalism, the organs of the representative office in the countries of the Iberian Peninsula. At first the Cortes met only noblemen and clergy. Over time, the right to send their deputies received and cities. In the work of the Cortes of Castile, free peasants also took part, whereas in Aragon this category of the population did not have its representation.



