MGUP is a new university in Russia

Where do Russian printers prepare? There was once the Moscow Polygraphic Institute for this, but now you can not find it in the list of Russian universities. Its place was taken by the Moscow State Academy of Press, but it is not on this list either. But since 1997 you will find in the list of Moscow higher educational institutions a new university – MGUP – Moscow State University of Press, established in January 1997 on the basis of the Moscow State Academy of Press. And this is not accidental. The new university is the only university in Russia that prepares specialists with higher professional education for publishing grandfather, printing and book trade. This is in the full sense of the university, within the walls of which receive training and “physics” and “lyrics”. And between them it is sometimes difficult to draw a line, since the work of the press is the realization of many creative talents of people of different specialties. The new university offers its students original directions and specialties. About the new university and some features of admission to its faculties, we were asked to tell the responsible secretary of the admission committee of Professor Alexander Grechikhin.

At one time Vissarion Belinsky wrote that literature without printing “is a sound without meaning, a body without a soul”, understanding by literature the consciousness of the people, expressed in word. A wonderful aphorism! It is the seal in all the diversity of its creations – books, magazines, newspapers – has become a powerful means of purposeful and effective influence on people’s feelings and thoughts, on the formation of personal and public outlook. It is the seal that forms the basis of what is now called the media or communication system, the “fourth power”.

Even now, when new means of mass communication have appeared alongside the press – radio, cinema, television, computer networks and the era of “information technology” has come, printing is not inferior to its leading positions. It is increasingly using the achievements of modern scientific and technological progress, including the means of computerization, more and more effectively. Finally, the works of the press in their diversity and totality are a written memory of mankind, his whole life is fixed in them in the past, present and possible future. And the famous Russian writer Ivan Bunin was right when he wrote:

Silent graves, mummies and bones,
Only the word life is given,
Through the ages in the world’s graveyard –
Only the letters sound.

But the seal is not only works of art, scientific, educational and other literature, a medium of mass communication or special communication. The range of its impact, distribution and use is much wider. Suffice it to say that all our everyday life is connected with the seal: school books and advertising brochures, banknotes and tram tickets, maps and wallpapers, works of art and boxes for candy, postage stamps and labels on packaging, bottles for juices, and, sorry, alcoholic beverages. In other words, the seal is a reflection of our life. And do not believe the predictions of all kinds of pseudo-scholars about the death of the book. Just imagine for a moment that your computer does not have or the printer, the printing device, has broken down. And you will immediately understand that it is impossible to do without a press today, and always.



