Taiga in North America

Further to the south a wide strip from the Cordillera to the coast of the Atlantic Ocean extends the taiga zone of the coniferous forest. Taiga also stretches a narrow strip along the Pacific coast in the north-west of the mainland. The climate of the taiga is moderate. In summer in these parts you can feel the grueling heat, and in winter the ruthless, piercing cold.

In the taiga podzolic soils predominate, containing a small amount of humus, since the plant remains decompose slowly. A cool and relatively humid climate promotes the growth of coniferous trees. In the American taiga, black and silver spruce grows, reaching a height of 60 m. The latter was brought to Europe, and it adorns the streets of many of our cities. Huge areas in Canada are balsamic fir, whose height is 100 m, and the diameter of the trunk is -2 m. It is a source of valuable medical resin, called “Canadian balm”. Likewise, Canadian larch is used, the wood of which is used in the woodworking industry. On the slopes of the Cordillera near the Pacific Ocean grow thuja, douglas, and also the thickest tree in the world – a sequoia, or mammoth tree. The diameter of its trunk is usually 6-11 m!

Deer and moose are found in ungulates from the ungulates. Many predators: lynx, wolves, martens, bears, wolverines.

The American grizzly bear is one of the largest in the world: its growth reaches almost 3 m. Of the rodents there are a lot of squirrels, chipmunks, beavers. There is a furry water rodent muskrat. Among the birds of prey are owls, owls, hawks.

In the taiga zone there is intensive deforestation, so the problem of their conservation and restoration arises.



