Nature, population and countries of Oceania

1. Explain the relationship of the size, geographic location, terrain and mineral resources of the islands to their origin.

Islands can be formed by separation from the mainland. Such islands are called continental islands. The size of such islands is quite large compared with the islands of volcanic and coral origin. The mainland islands are located near the mainland, from which they separated. The relief of such islands is similar to the relief of the continent, there can be a variety of minerals.

The volcanic islands of Oceania are the peaks of extinct or active volcanoes rising from the bottom of the Pacific Ocean. They are small in size, located in the form of island arches, archipelagos.

Coral islands are created by coral polyps – representatives of the marine fauna of the shallow waters of the oceans. They have nice sandy beaches. The color of the sand is mostly white, and the volcanic color is black. The color of sand depends on the rocks that form it.

2. What are the natural riches of the islands?

Islands of Oceania are rich in recreational resources. Many of them use tourists as tourists from different countries. Coastal waters are rich in fish and other marine animals. There are excellent opportunities for surfing and other types of outdoor activities. The abundance of fruits, a variety of seafood, sun and sea baths contribute to the improvement of the body and the good rest of all tourists coming to the islands.



