Firstly, it was distinguished by a special arrangement and arrangement of the stage, which resembled either a trapezoid or an oval and protruded deep into the stalls. This created the illusion of an area action, during which actors, surrounded by spectators on all sides, performed on conventional wagons. This effect was exacerbated by the absence of the theatrical curtain habitual for the modern spectator. On the same stage, as a rule, there were hatches, from which from time to time appeared actors, playing the role of ghosts or other fantastic creatures. The scenery was almost absent, but the obligatory element of the design of the stage was a balcony on which a variety of actions took place.
Secondly, Shakespeare’s theater was characterized by a special performing manner. Actors often improvised, responded to the jokes of spectators. Great attention was paid to the production of a voice, the sound of which was supposed to resemble music. To relieve the tension of spectators after scenes of great dramatic incandescence, clowns appeared on the stage.
As in the era of antiquity, female roles in the theater of Shakespeare were performed exclusively by young men.
The troupe, whose actor was Shakespeare, built for its performances a large theater building, which went down in history as the “Globe”. He was adorned with a signboard with words that became aphorism: “The whole world acts.” The performances of this troupe enjoyed great success, her actors were invited to play at the court of kings, and in 1603 she was awarded the honorary title of “Royal servants”. In many respects this was made possible by her talented playwright, who also became co-owner of the theater from 1599. “Almost without the help of scenery, relying solely on the power of imagination that Shakespeare awakened in the audience, he could make them see in the empty space of the scene an entire universe – distant and intimate countries, from Italy to Bermuda, past and present of mankind – from Ancient Rome to England of the XVI century. “
The theatrical activity allowed Shakespeare to save money and buy property in London and his native Stratford, where he returned to permanent residence in about 1613. It was in this town that it was destined to find its last refuge to the great poet, whose genius so shocked the world that still causes his best minds to think about the question: “Was Shakespeare?”. After all, not only were there no manuscripts, but even a line written by his hand. The most significant reason for doubts was a strange testament, discovered a century and a half after the death of the poet. It did not contain a single fact indicating that its author had anything to do with literature. As a result of the analysis of this document, many scientists have the impression that it was made by the most ordinary townspeople. Such assumptions were supported by other evidence, for example, about Shakespeare’s lack of education. This contributed to the emergence of the so-called “Shakespearian question,” the essence of which is in doubt: was William Shakespeare, a native of Stratford-upon-Avon, the author of works published under his name?
Researchers who answer this question negatively call more than 30 applicants for a high right to be considered the creator of unsurpassed literary masterpieces. Most often there are the names of such famous Englishmen as Queen Elizabeth I, thinker Francis Bacon, playwright Christopher Marlowe, Earls of Derby, Oxford and Rathland. The Russian literary critic I. Shaitanov notes: “Every year a new sensation appears, but today one can say that the townsman from Stratford-on-Avon and the London actor William Shakespeare remains the most likely contender, far superior to the others.” His plays, fortunately, our days, is immeasurably more fascinating than any detective guesses about their authorship. “