What is Tolerance and Intolerance?

In family communication, strangely enough, we do not always show respect for each other. What then can we talk about when talking about outsiders?

People often assert their beliefs that only their own tastes, thoughts, moods are correct and worthy of respect. Those who do not share them do not deserve a good relationship with them. But let’s fantasize: imagine that you found yourself in a city whose inhabitants all think the same, perceive the surroundings equally, they have the same tastes, and they all agree with each other… Do you need a lot of pencils to reflect the life of this cities? Would you like to live there? Having answered “no” to this question, we must admit: life is unusually diverse, we are all not alike, and in order to coexist peacefully, we need to reconcile ourselves to this diversity. Quality, manifested in the recognition of the right to be different, is called Tolerance. This word comes from the Latin adjective “tolerant”.

Tolerance gives people the opportunity to live together, even in the absence of sympathy, respect, love. It helps to maintain a certain distance between people in order to avoid mutual insults.

To understand what tolerance is, remember how one of the teachers or other adults, pulling apart the fighting irreconcilable rivals, asked: “Stay away from each other, do not touch each other!”. As if distance can contain anger, aggression. Not without reason among the rules of etiquette communication there are recommendations about an acceptable distance between the interlocutors – not very large, so as not to create the impression of insincerity, but not too close – not to interfere in the world of the interlocutor. Tolerance is a “distance” in a figurative sense. This is the line that does not allow you to interfere in the inner world of another person – in his thoughts, feelings, experiences, tastes. That’s why, when they talk about tolerant attitudes, they often mean reserved, cool,

Tolerance resists intolerance, that is unwillingness, inability to accept another person. It is not difficult to imagine the consequences of intolerance in relations between people. You, of course, had to read or hear about skirmishes between fans of different football teams after the match. And what are the clashes during rallies, demonstrations! Every day, from news releases, we learn about the conflicts caused by the intolerance of one group of people to another. Intolerance is a long-standing evil, which, unfortunately, has not been overcome to this day.

Tolerance is a benevolent, tolerant attitude toward someone’s thoughts, views, feelings, etc.

Intolerance is unwillingness, inability to tolerate anyone or anything.



