What is a complete and incomplete offer?

In an incomplete sentence, any member of the sentence (one or more) can be omitted. Incomplete sentences are sentences, members in which, necessary for completeness and structure, are absent. Incomplete are the sentences in which any member of the sentence is omitted. The meaning of an incomplete sentence can only be understood in the context.

It’s simple: in a complete sentence all the components of its structural diagram are occupied and presented, so we can understand the information contained in it, even if we pull out the sentence from the context.

Specific-personal offers

Amend the amendment: Yesterday did not study, depending on the context in which it is placed, can be the implementation of the structural scheme of both a single-sentence proposal and a two-part incomplete proposal. Yesterday I did not study – only incomplete. All simple sentences on the existence of sentence members are divided into two types: complete and incomplete. Proposals in which no members are omitted are full: The sun was moving to the west.

But the latter relate to another classification of simple sentences – by the nature of the grammatical basis. Two-part sentences are proposals in which there is both a subject and a predicate: The golden birch grove discouraged the grove.

We find out: the sentence “Now very small… Do you feel pain now?”, We take information from it to restore the missed members of the proposal. Thus, the sentence “Now very small… It should be remembered that when analyzing the members of a sentence, not only those words that are available are taken into account, but also those that are implied and necessary for understanding the meaning of the proposal. Therefore, we have a sentence” Now very small… “, but should consider its full version” Now I feel very little pain… “.

See what an “incomplete sentence” is in other dictionaries:

We conclude that the sentence “Now very small…” is one-part, since there is only a predicate in it. You can write your comments to the answer, suggestions for improvement or just thank the author.

The second part of the complex non-union proposal (I – nothing) is an incomplete sentence, in which the predicate is missed (compare I am not obedient). If we consider such a proposal outside the context or situation, then its meaning will remain incomprehensible to us (compare, outside the context: My, I am nothing).

Moreover, “missing” members are not required to disclose the meaning of the proposal. Behind him is a forest. To the right and to the left is the swamp (Peskov). In them usually there is a subject and a secondary term – a circumstance or addition. One-part nazvvnye proposals can not contain circumstances, because the circumstance is always connected with the predicate.

The nominal part of the compound nominal predicate – a noun or adverb in a two-part complete sentence indicates a symptom-state. In terms of the completeness of the structure, proposals are divided into complete and incomplete.

Names of offers

The predicate in this sentence is consistent with the subject, and also controls the complement. The result is a continuous chain that connects all members of the sentence with logical meaning. We see that each subsequent replica of this dialog adds a topic specified in the dialog itself. Very often incomplete sentences are one-part sentences. Incomplete proposals can be part of complex sentences. For example: The sun heats the earth, and the man – labor. Among the incomplete sentences are also sentences with a missed predicate.

In the scientific literature, as well as in the business language, full sentences are used. In speech, especially in colloquial and artistic, the frequencies are incomplete sentences. It is necessary to distinguish incomplete sentences from single-component ones. Studying the topic “Complete and incomplete sentences”, my students are asked to explain by examples of the differences between incomplete two-part sentences and incomplete one-part sentences.

Impersonal offers

If you are able to find a grammatical basis, you can learn to determine the type of simple sentence for the composition of the main members. Let’s take into account the axiom that two-component sentences are encountered more often in book speech, and in colloquial speech, incomplete two-part sentences are preferable. In the first sentence there are both main terms. But already in the second two-component sentence, the subject of WHO was to be omitted. The offer became incomplete, although its meaning is clear. In the third sentence, you can find the circumstance FOREVER and restore the rest of the missed words: WHO COME.

In this dialogue, the complete sentence is again the first. Restore the predicate from the second sentence – HEC (what?) Products (also definitely personal). The fourth one looks like this: There is nothing GOOD IN THIS! (impersonal offer). It is easy to find sentences, replicas, they usually add a new one, without repeating the already known, and are more complete in composition than all the subsequent ones.

But there is a special type of sentence that does not require context, elliptic. In the above example-dialogues, we encountered sentence-words. Do not confuse them with incomplete sentences! Are there incomplete sentences? This is a complex non-union proposal, so the second, third and fourth parts are incomplete. What are his apple trees and pears under the windows!

Most often, incomplete sentences are found in dialogues. It skips both main terms: that is, the subject and the predicate. Here is a compound sentence, the second part is incomplete. This is a two-part proposal. Assign the definition of the main terms of the sentence. Missed can be both the main and secondary members of the proposal.

What is a complete and incomplete offer?