To the story “The Old Man and the Sea” cinematographers from different countries addressed. The first screen version of the work appeared even during Hemingway’s life in 1958. Participation in the work on it was accepted by the writer himself. Striving for reliability, he wanted the filmmakers to shoot not a dummy, but a real fish. It is with this goal in mind that the writer personally went to sea several times. It is interesting that with him events took place, in many respects resembling the one described in the story. After 15 unsuccessful attempts, he still caught the desired prey. This moment even managed to be shot on a movie camera. Although the film was awarded various prizes, Hemingway did not like it.
There are two more screen versions of the story: the television film of 1990 and the animated film of 1999. The last of the named versions was awarded to Oscar as the best short film of 2000. At its creation the unusual technique – “reviving painting” is used. Each frame of the cartoon is a masterfully executed drawing on the glass, creating the illusion of the “reality” depicted.